A institucionalização constitucional das agências reguladoras como instrumento da democracia no Brasil [Digital]
Fortaleza, 2012.
Esta pesquisa busca analisar a relação das agências reguladoras com a democracia no Brasil e a importância social desses entes públicos na atividade estatal, para depois examinar as deficiências da sua estrutura jurídico-institucional, propondo uma reforma estrutural em face da inadequação do modelo...
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Esta pesquisa busca analisar a relação das agências reguladoras com a democracia no Brasil e a importância social desses entes públicos na atividade estatal, para depois examinar as deficiências da sua estrutura jurídico-institucional, propondo uma reforma estrutural em face da inadequação do modelo autárquico. Parte da contextualização, sob uma perspectiva histórica, do ambiente político-administrativo de criação das agências reguladoras no Brasil, discorre sobre a democracia, verifica a base teórica que inspirou a reforma administrativa brasileira na década de 90 e identifica os mecanismos de participação social e controle político na atividade regulatória. Constata, porém, a impotência do modelo autárquico, ainda que sob regime especial, diante dos desafios institucionais, pela falta de independência material administrativa, funcional, financeira e orçamentária dessas entidades. O trabalho considera, assim, que, passados mais de dez anos da instalação das primeiras agências reguladoras no Brasil, permanecem essas entidades em contínuo esforço de autoafirmação perante o alto escalão dos governos, na tentativa de fazer prevalecerem as suas atribuições constitucionais e legais, constantemente ameaçadas pelos mecanismos de controle e subordinação de que se utiliza o Poder Executivo Central. Essa evidência levou à busca de um modelo que poderia mais bem adequá-las às atribuições que lhes vêm sendo conferidas no atual Estado regulador, redundando na proposta de concepção dessas agências como órgãos constitucionais independentes.
Palavras-chave: Democracia social. Agências Reguladoras. Modelo autárquico. Reforma
Estrutural. Órgãos Constitucionais Independentes. Ver menos
Palavras-chave: Democracia social. Agências Reguladoras. Modelo autárquico. Reforma
Estrutural. Órgãos Constitucionais Independentes. Ver menos
The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between regulatory agencies and
democracy in Brazil and the social importance of such public beings in state activity, to examine, after, the deficiencies of their juridical-institutional structure, proposing a structural reformation in view of... Ver mais The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between regulatory agencies and
democracy in Brazil and the social importance of such public beings in state activity, to examine, after, the deficiencies of their juridical-institutional structure, proposing a structural reformation in view of the inadequacy of the autarchic model. Such analysis departs, in a historical perspective, from the political administrative context of creation of the regulatory agencies in Brazil, examine the democracy and the theoretical basis which inspired the Brazilian administrative reform occurred in nineties and identify the mechanisms of social participation and political control in regulatory activity. Nevertheless, this study evidences the weakness of the autarchic model, even though it is under a special regime, facing institutional challenges by the lack of administrative, functional, financial and budget material independence of such entities. Thus, the work considers that, there have been more than ten years since the first regulatory agencies created in Brazil, remain those entities in constant
struggle for self affirmation before the high-ranking government officials, trying to make prevail their constitutional and legal prerogatives, that are constantly threatened by control and subordinate mechanisms, of which the Central Executive Power makes use. This evidence took to the search of a model which could adapt them even better to the attributions which have been conferred them in the current regulatory State and the proposal of conception of such agencies like independent constitutional organs.
Keywords: Social democracy. Regulatory agencies. Autarchic model. Structural
reformation. Independent Constitutional Organs. Ver menos
democracy in Brazil and the social importance of such public beings in state activity, to examine, after, the deficiencies of their juridical-institutional structure, proposing a structural reformation in view of... Ver mais The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between regulatory agencies and
democracy in Brazil and the social importance of such public beings in state activity, to examine, after, the deficiencies of their juridical-institutional structure, proposing a structural reformation in view of the inadequacy of the autarchic model. Such analysis departs, in a historical perspective, from the political administrative context of creation of the regulatory agencies in Brazil, examine the democracy and the theoretical basis which inspired the Brazilian administrative reform occurred in nineties and identify the mechanisms of social participation and political control in regulatory activity. Nevertheless, this study evidences the weakness of the autarchic model, even though it is under a special regime, facing institutional challenges by the lack of administrative, functional, financial and budget material independence of such entities. Thus, the work considers that, there have been more than ten years since the first regulatory agencies created in Brazil, remain those entities in constant
struggle for self affirmation before the high-ranking government officials, trying to make prevail their constitutional and legal prerogatives, that are constantly threatened by control and subordinate mechanisms, of which the Central Executive Power makes use. This evidence took to the search of a model which could adapt them even better to the attributions which have been conferred them in the current regulatory State and the proposal of conception of such agencies like independent constitutional organs.
Keywords: Social democracy. Regulatory agencies. Autarchic model. Structural
reformation. Independent Constitutional Organs. Ver menos
Disponibilidade forma física: EXiste obra impressa de código : 89126
Lima, Gislene Rocha de
Moraes Filho, Jose Filomeno de
Moraes Filho, Jose Filomeno de
Banca examinadora
Cesar, Raquel Coelho Lenz
Banca examinadora
Universidade de Fortaleza. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito Constitucional
Dissertação (mestrado)