Corpo e cuidados médicos nos processos de subjetivação: contribuições de Michel Foucault [Digital]
Fortaleza, 2007.
O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a relação entre corpo e cuidados médicos na construção das subjetividades. Para tanto, empreendemos uma pesquisa bibliográfica, utilizando como eixo principal o referencial teórico de Michel Foucault. De acordo com seu pensamento, a construção dos sujeitos depende...
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O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a relação entre corpo e cuidados médicos na construção das subjetividades. Para tanto, empreendemos uma pesquisa bibliográfica, utilizando como eixo principal o referencial teórico de Michel Foucault. De acordo com seu pensamento, a construção dos sujeitos depende das características culturais, e, portanto, é transformada ao longo do tempo. Inicialmente, delimitamos a noção de corpo utilizada na pesquisa. Trata-se do corpo biológico compreendido como matéria orgânica. Em seguida, passamos a compreender a constituição subjetiva por meio do assujeitamento ao saber médico, que na Modernidade consolidou-se como a racionalidade que domina a verdade sobre os indivíduos. Deste modo, vimos que, com o nascimento da Medicina anatomopatológica, que tem como característica essencial a referência à morte, a subjetividade foi sobreposta ao corpo. No terceiro momento, tratamos de entender a construção dos sujeitos por meio das práticas divisórias desencadeadas pelas relações de poder da Medicina. No último capítulo, dedicamo-nos a pesquisar o assujeitamento e as práticas divisórias por meio do saber médico que predomina na atualidade, qual seja, a Biomedicina. Esta nova racionalidade conserva alguns aspectos da Medicina que a precedeu, como considerar o corpo em termos de organismo. Contudo, possui características que lhe são singulares, entre as quais destacaríamos o centramento não mais na morte, mas na vida e na saúde. Diante deste contexto, constatamos que, na contemporaneidade, a justaposição da subjetividade ao corpo parece estar ainda mais consolidada. Concluímos também que a predominância do saber biomédico na nossa sociedade engendrou novas formas de assujeitamento e novas práticas divisórias nos processos de subjetivação.
Palavras-chave: Corpo, subjetividade, cuidados médicos, Michel Foucault. Ver menos
Palavras-chave: Corpo, subjetividade, cuidados médicos, Michel Foucault. Ver menos
The goal of this work is to study the relationship between the body and the medical
care in the subjectivities? construction. For such, we undertook a bibliographical
research, using as the main axle Michel Foucault?s theoretical reference. According
to his thought, the subject construction depends... Ver mais
care in the subjectivities? construction. For such, we undertook a bibliographical
research, using as the main axle Michel Foucault?s theoretical reference. According
to his thought, the subject construction depends... Ver mais
The goal of this work is to study the relationship between the body and the medical
care in the subjectivities? construction. For such, we undertook a bibliographical
research, using as the main axle Michel Foucault?s theoretical reference. According
to his thought, the subject construction depends on the cultural characteristics, and
therefore, it is transformed throughout the time. Initially, we delimited the conception
of body used in the research. It is considered the biological body understood as
organic substance. After that, we start to understand the subjective constitution by
means of subjectivation to medical knowledge, which in Modernity is consolidated as
the rationality that dominates the individuals? truth. In this way, we saw that, with the
rise of the anatomopathology Medicine, that has as an essential characteristic the
reference to the death, the subjectivity was overlapped by the body. On a third
moment, we treated with understanding the subjects? construction by the dividing
practice means unchained by the power relations in Medicine. On the last chapter,
we?ve dedicated ourselves to research for the subjectivation and the dividing practice
by doctors? knowledge means that predominates at the moment, which is, the
Biomedicine. This new rationality conserves some aspects of the Medicine that
preceded it, as considering the body in organism terms. However, it possesses
characteristics that are peculiar to it, in which we would stand out the centre being no
longer in death, but in life and health. In presence of this context, we evidence that,
nowadays, the juxtaposition of the subjectivity to the body seems to be even more
consolidated. We also conclude that the predominance of the biomedical knowledge
in our society produced new subjectivation forms and dividing practice in the
subjectivity processes.
Key words: Body, subjectivity, medical care, Michel Foucault. Ver menos
care in the subjectivities? construction. For such, we undertook a bibliographical
research, using as the main axle Michel Foucault?s theoretical reference. According
to his thought, the subject construction depends on the cultural characteristics, and
therefore, it is transformed throughout the time. Initially, we delimited the conception
of body used in the research. It is considered the biological body understood as
organic substance. After that, we start to understand the subjective constitution by
means of subjectivation to medical knowledge, which in Modernity is consolidated as
the rationality that dominates the individuals? truth. In this way, we saw that, with the
rise of the anatomopathology Medicine, that has as an essential characteristic the
reference to the death, the subjectivity was overlapped by the body. On a third
moment, we treated with understanding the subjects? construction by the dividing
practice means unchained by the power relations in Medicine. On the last chapter,
we?ve dedicated ourselves to research for the subjectivation and the dividing practice
by doctors? knowledge means that predominates at the moment, which is, the
Biomedicine. This new rationality conserves some aspects of the Medicine that
preceded it, as considering the body in organism terms. However, it possesses
characteristics that are peculiar to it, in which we would stand out the centre being no
longer in death, but in life and health. In presence of this context, we evidence that,
nowadays, the juxtaposition of the subjectivity to the body seems to be even more
consolidated. We also conclude that the predominance of the biomedical knowledge
in our society produced new subjectivation forms and dividing practice in the
subjectivity processes.
Key words: Body, subjectivity, medical care, Michel Foucault. Ver menos
Disponibilidade forma física: Existe obra em CD-Rom de código : 78278
Disponibilidade forma física: Existe obra impressa de código : 78610
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Universidade de Fortaleza. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia
Dissertação (mestrado)