A influência do direito natural e do cristianismo na mediação de conflitos [Digital]
Fortaleza, 2007.
A mediação é uma forma de solução de conflitos extrajudicial que busca reunir elementos pacíficos indispensáveis para se alcançar, de forma eficiente, a solução de problemas entre pessoas. Essa solução, nascida de uma boa mediação, será extraída respeitando-se o interior, os sentimentos, as...
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A mediação é uma forma de solução de conflitos extrajudicial que busca reunir elementos pacíficos indispensáveis para se alcançar, de forma eficiente, a solução de problemas entre pessoas. Essa solução, nascida de uma boa mediação, será extraída respeitando-se o interior, os sentimentos, as necessidades internas e externas das próprias partes envolvidas, que, muitas vezes, - por falta de um diálogo rico e mais consciente, onde tenham condições de fazer uma reflexão sobre sua vida, seus próprios atos, seus erros, acertos, e, inclusive, com oportunidade de vislumbrar o norte de justiça advindo do próprio Direito Natural, dos ensinamentos cristãos, buscam, desnecessariamente, o poder judiciário para solucionar suas lides das mais diversas espécies, contribuindo para um judiciário assoberbado de processos, o que provoca uma morosidade desgastante nos julgamentos dos conflitos, e submetem-se também a uma decisão proferida por terceira pessoa, o juiz, que ao certo não é mais apta do que as próprias partes para alcançar uma solução equilibrada, justa e satisfatória. Com a mediação, as partes envolvidas no conflito buscam resolver seus problemas e tendem a alcançar uma maior conscientização de direitos, a buscar novas formas de relacionamento, a ter um acesso material à Justiça, e a perceber que devem se incluir na sociedade não como um peso para o Estado, mas como um cidadão com direitos constitucionais garantidos e merecedores de viver usufruindo da verdadeira paz social. A mediação não deve ser vista, portanto, só como um instrumento capaz de bem auxiliar na solução de um conflito, mas também como eficaz em proporcionar as pessoas a oportunidade de terem transformadas a sua capacidade de bem melhor se relacionar, capacidade de fomentar a própria consciência no que tange ao seu real valor, contextualizar-se melhor e administrar-se com mais propriedade dentro dos próprios conflitos que o simples fato de sua existência humana lhe faz submeter-se.
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The mediation is a form of solution of extrajudicial conflicts that searches to
congregate indispensable pacific elements to reach itself, in an efficient way, the solution of
problems between people. This solution, born of a good mediation, will be extracted
respecting the interior, the feelings,... Ver mais The mediation is a form of solution of extrajudicial conflicts that searches to
congregate indispensable pacific elements to reach itself, in an efficient way, the solution of
problems between people. This solution, born of a good mediation, will be extracted
respecting the interior, the feelings, the internal and external necessities of the own involved
parts, that, many times, - due to a rich and more conscientious dialogue, where they have
conditions to make a reflection of their life, their own acts, their errors, right, and, also, with chance to look the north of justice happened of the own Natural law, of Christian teachings,
search, unnecessarily, the judiciary power to solve all sorts of deal, contributing for a
judiciary full of processes, what provoke a wastage slowness of the conflicts? judgments, and
it is also submitted to a decision that is pronounced in the third person, the judge, who isn?t
more capable than the own parts to reach a balanced, satisfactory and fair solution. With
mediation, the involved parts in the conflict search to decide their problems and tend to reach
a better awareness of rights, to search new forms of relationship, to have a material access to
Justice, and to perceive that they must be included in the society not as one weight for the
State, but as a citizen with guaranteed constitutional laws and deserving to live and make a
good use of the true social peace.
The mediation shouldn?t be seen, therefore, only as an instrument capable to help in
the solution of conflicts, but as also efficient in providing people the chance to transform their
capacity to get related, capacity to foment their own conscience relating to its real value, to
contextualize better and manage themselves with more property inside of their own conflicts
that the simple fact of the human existence make them submitted to. Ver menos
congregate indispensable pacific elements to reach itself, in an efficient way, the solution of
problems between people. This solution, born of a good mediation, will be extracted
respecting the interior, the feelings,... Ver mais The mediation is a form of solution of extrajudicial conflicts that searches to
congregate indispensable pacific elements to reach itself, in an efficient way, the solution of
problems between people. This solution, born of a good mediation, will be extracted
respecting the interior, the feelings, the internal and external necessities of the own involved
parts, that, many times, - due to a rich and more conscientious dialogue, where they have
conditions to make a reflection of their life, their own acts, their errors, right, and, also, with chance to look the north of justice happened of the own Natural law, of Christian teachings,
search, unnecessarily, the judiciary power to solve all sorts of deal, contributing for a
judiciary full of processes, what provoke a wastage slowness of the conflicts? judgments, and
it is also submitted to a decision that is pronounced in the third person, the judge, who isn?t
more capable than the own parts to reach a balanced, satisfactory and fair solution. With
mediation, the involved parts in the conflict search to decide their problems and tend to reach
a better awareness of rights, to search new forms of relationship, to have a material access to
Justice, and to perceive that they must be included in the society not as one weight for the
State, but as a citizen with guaranteed constitutional laws and deserving to live and make a
good use of the true social peace.
The mediation shouldn?t be seen, therefore, only as an instrument capable to help in
the solution of conflicts, but as also efficient in providing people the chance to transform their
capacity to get related, capacity to foment their own conscience relating to its real value, to
contextualize better and manage themselves with more property inside of their own conflicts
that the simple fact of the human existence make them submitted to. Ver menos
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Ceccato, Simone Pinto
Sales, Lília Maia de Morais
Sales, Lília Maia de Morais
Banca examinadora
Universidade de Fortaleza. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito Constitucional
Dissertação (mestrado)