O positivismo jurídico na teoria pura do direito [Digital]
Fortaleza, 2006.
A importância da Filosofia do Direito no século XX deve muito a Hans Kelsen, sendo obrigatório o conhecimento do pensamento do renomado jusfilósofo, se se pretende produzir um texto que possa ser considerado. Bem por isso, o pensamento Kelseniano pela atenção despertada, não poderia restar imune às...
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A importância da Filosofia do Direito no século XX deve muito a Hans Kelsen, sendo obrigatório o conhecimento do pensamento do renomado jusfilósofo, se se pretende produzir um texto que possa ser considerado. Bem por isso, o pensamento Kelseniano pela atenção despertada, não poderia restar imune às críticas que até hoje lhe são dirigidas. Umas procedentes, outras nem tanto. A sua obra principal, a ?Teoria Pura do Direito?, pretendeu uma pureza capaz de expungir do Direito tudo aquilo que embora conectado com ele, não o integraria necessariamente. Em síntese, o ser do direito, para Kelsen, é a ordem jurídica e não aquilo que essa ordem idealmente jurídica deveria ser. Por via de conseqüência, o cientista do direito deve se ocupar com o que é o direito. Com o que deveria ser o direito, outros estudiosos. O propósito deste estudo consiste em desvelar as possibilidades do pensamento Kelseniano, conforme exposto na Teoria Pura. Trata-se, ainda, de vislumbrar uma linha de continuidade na proposta Kelseniana na atualidade, enquanto instrumental teórico imprescindível para outros futuros avanços doutrinários.
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The importance of the Philosophy of the Law in the 20th century owes a lot to Hans Kelsen,
and knowing the thoughts of this renowned philosopher is mandatory when producing a text
that is intended to be considered. That is why, after the attention he has attracted, the
Kelsenian thought did not... Ver mais The importance of the Philosophy of the Law in the 20th century owes a lot to Hans Kelsen,
and knowing the thoughts of this renowned philosopher is mandatory when producing a text
that is intended to be considered. That is why, after the attention he has attracted, the
Kelsenian thought did not escape the critics up to this very day. Some of these critics are
justified, some are not. Kelsen?s main work, The Pure Theory of Law, looked for purity able
to remove from the Law everything that would not necessarily integrates it, yet may be linked
to it. To sum up, the nature of the Law, for Kelsen, was the judicial order as it is, and not what
such order should be. Therefore, the law scientist must deal with what the Law is. Other
researchers would deal with what the Law should be. This study is aimed to show the
possibilities of the Kelsenian thought, as it appears within the Pure Theory. It deals, as well,
onto a continuity line of the Kelsenian thought in our days, as a needed theoretical tool for
future doctrine progresses. Ver menos
and knowing the thoughts of this renowned philosopher is mandatory when producing a text
that is intended to be considered. That is why, after the attention he has attracted, the
Kelsenian thought did not... Ver mais The importance of the Philosophy of the Law in the 20th century owes a lot to Hans Kelsen,
and knowing the thoughts of this renowned philosopher is mandatory when producing a text
that is intended to be considered. That is why, after the attention he has attracted, the
Kelsenian thought did not escape the critics up to this very day. Some of these critics are
justified, some are not. Kelsen?s main work, The Pure Theory of Law, looked for purity able
to remove from the Law everything that would not necessarily integrates it, yet may be linked
to it. To sum up, the nature of the Law, for Kelsen, was the judicial order as it is, and not what
such order should be. Therefore, the law scientist must deal with what the Law is. Other
researchers would deal with what the Law should be. This study is aimed to show the
possibilities of the Kelsenian thought, as it appears within the Pure Theory. It deals, as well,
onto a continuity line of the Kelsenian thought in our days, as a needed theoretical tool for
future doctrine progresses. Ver menos
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Diniz, Márcio Augusto de Vasconcelos
Diniz, Márcio Augusto de Vasconcelos
Banca examinadora
Lima, Martonio Mont'Alverne Barreto
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Cattoni, Marcelo
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Universidade de Fortaleza
Dissertação (mestrado)