O sentido da "crise" de natureza psicótica: do estigma à trans-forma-ação [Digital]
Fortaleza, 2006.
Este trabalho pretende compreender como as ?crises? de natureza psicótica podem se constituir em processos de crescimento, transformação e ampliação da consciência e, não apenas em experiências despotencializadoras e estigmatizantes. Para tanto, foi utilizado o método fenomenológico, a partir da...
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Este trabalho pretende compreender como as ?crises? de natureza psicótica podem se constituir em processos de crescimento, transformação e ampliação da consciência e, não apenas em experiências despotencializadoras e estigmatizantes. Para tanto, foi utilizado o método fenomenológico, a partir da lente merleau-pontyana, constituída de uma visão mundana e de múltiplos contornos, aliada a ampliação da compreensão da dimensão do humano e da vasta cartografia do inconsciente, próprias do olhar transpessoal. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando-se de entrevistas fenomenológicas, histórias clínicas e alguns registros de dados escritos. Os colaboradores foram clientes de psicoterapia, com idade compreendida entre 21 e 40 anos, sendo que do total de onze sujeitos colaboradores, sete não mais se encontram em tal processo, o que permitiu a composição de dois grupos distintos com a utilização de instrumentos diferenciados. Para o grupo atualmente em psicoterapia, formado por quatro colaboradores, foram incluídas entrevistas e história clínica. Para o segundo grupo, os registros de dados. A análise dos sentidos emergentes em cada entrevista evidenciou cinco temas: 1) A crise; 2) O Estigma; 3) O Sofrimento psíquico e a Psicopatologia; 4) Os elementos para a trans-forma-ação; 5) A Mensagem Final. Estes temas se desdobraram em subtemas, que expressam os ?múltiplos contornos? do vivido em uma experiência de ?crise?. A pesquisa mostrou que ?a crise? de natureza psicótica é uma experiência ambígua, destituída de sentido quanto ao seu caráter despotencializador, porém permeada de sentido tanto na esfera do que se manifesta no âmbito da realidade vivenciada pelo sujeito, como por vezes confusa e caótica quanto ao que é vivenciado. O estigma foi o aspecto mais emergente em seus múltiplos aspectos e contornos, destacando-se também, por parte dos colaboradores a descrição de atitudes semelhantes às que lhes causavam sofrimento com relação às pessoas que pareciam apresentar quadro de doença mental. Outro aspecto dessa ambigüidade foi, além do indesejado e difícil de sentir em uma ?crise?, o destaque para o potencial transformador na experiência dos sujeitos.
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This work intends to comprehend as the ?crises? of psychopathic nature can
constitute in growth processes, transformation and enlargement of the conscience
and, not only in experiences of a subjective powerless feeling and a social stigmatization
sensation. For so much, it was used the phenomenology... Ver mais This work intends to comprehend as the ?crises? of psychopathic nature can
constitute in growth processes, transformation and enlargement of the conscience
and, not only in experiences of a subjective powerless feeling and a social stigmatization
sensation. For so much, it was used the phenomenology as a method, specially
Mearleau-Ponty approach, constituted of a mundane vision and of multiple outlines,
allied the enlargement of the comprehension of the dimension of the human and of
the vast cartography of the unconscious, own of the look of Transpersonal
Psychology. For so much, it was accomplished a qualitative research, using itself of
phenomenological interviews, clinical histories and some records of written data. The
collaborators were psychotherapy clients, with age comprehended between 21 and
40 years, and from the total of eleven subject collaborators, seven not more are in
such process, what it allowed the composition of two distinct groups with the
utilization of differentiated instruments. For the group nowadays in psychotherapy,
formed by four collaborators, were included interviews and clinical history. For the
second group the data records. The analysis of the emerging senses in each
interview evidenced five themes: 1) The crisis; 2) The Stigma; 3) The psychic
Suffering and Psychopathology; 4) The elements for ?trans-form-action?; 5) The Final
Message. These themes unfolded in sub categories, which express the ?multiple
outlines? of the lived in a crisis experience?. The research showed that ?the crisis? of
psychopathic nature is an ambiguous experience, deprived of sense regarding its
character of lack of power and permeated of sense so much in the sphere than if
manifest in the scope of the reality experienced by the subject, as for confused and
chaotic times regarding what is felt. The stigma was the most emerging aspect in
their multiple outlines, highlighting as well, by the collaborators, the description of
similar attitudes so that caused them suffering with regard to people who seemed to
introduce picture of mental disease. Other aspect of this ambiguity was, besides the
unwished feelings and difficulties involving it, the highlight for the potential
transformer in the experience of the subjects.
Words-key: Psychosis, Stigma, Phenomenology, Transpersonnal Psychology. Ver menos
constitute in growth processes, transformation and enlargement of the conscience
and, not only in experiences of a subjective powerless feeling and a social stigmatization
sensation. For so much, it was used the phenomenology... Ver mais This work intends to comprehend as the ?crises? of psychopathic nature can
constitute in growth processes, transformation and enlargement of the conscience
and, not only in experiences of a subjective powerless feeling and a social stigmatization
sensation. For so much, it was used the phenomenology as a method, specially
Mearleau-Ponty approach, constituted of a mundane vision and of multiple outlines,
allied the enlargement of the comprehension of the dimension of the human and of
the vast cartography of the unconscious, own of the look of Transpersonal
Psychology. For so much, it was accomplished a qualitative research, using itself of
phenomenological interviews, clinical histories and some records of written data. The
collaborators were psychotherapy clients, with age comprehended between 21 and
40 years, and from the total of eleven subject collaborators, seven not more are in
such process, what it allowed the composition of two distinct groups with the
utilization of differentiated instruments. For the group nowadays in psychotherapy,
formed by four collaborators, were included interviews and clinical history. For the
second group the data records. The analysis of the emerging senses in each
interview evidenced five themes: 1) The crisis; 2) The Stigma; 3) The psychic
Suffering and Psychopathology; 4) The elements for ?trans-form-action?; 5) The Final
Message. These themes unfolded in sub categories, which express the ?multiple
outlines? of the lived in a crisis experience?. The research showed that ?the crisis? of
psychopathic nature is an ambiguous experience, deprived of sense regarding its
character of lack of power and permeated of sense so much in the sphere than if
manifest in the scope of the reality experienced by the subject, as for confused and
chaotic times regarding what is felt. The stigma was the most emerging aspect in
their multiple outlines, highlighting as well, by the collaborators, the description of
similar attitudes so that caused them suffering with regard to people who seemed to
introduce picture of mental disease. Other aspect of this ambiguity was, besides the
unwished feelings and difficulties involving it, the highlight for the potential
transformer in the experience of the subjects.
Words-key: Psychosis, Stigma, Phenomenology, Transpersonnal Psychology. Ver menos
Disponibilidade forma física: Existe obra em Cd-Rom de código : 73440
Costa, Delzilene Macêdo
Cavalcanti, Virginia de Saboia Moreira
Cavalcanti, Virginia de Saboia Moreira
Banca examinadora
Araújo, Maria Gercilene Campos de
Banca examinadora
Cavalcante Júnior, Francisco Silva
Banca examinadora
Universidade de Fortaleza. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia
Dissertação (mestrado)