Resiliência familiar no contexto da soropositividade [Digital]
Fortaleza, 2022.
A Dissertação buscou investigar processos de resiliência vivenciados por pessoas soropositivas e suas famílias. Para alcançar o objetivo, foram realizados três estudos. No Estudo I realizou-se uma revisão integrativa com o objetivo de descrever o conceito de resiliência e os principais fatores de...
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A Dissertação buscou investigar processos de resiliência vivenciados por pessoas soropositivas e suas famílias. Para alcançar o objetivo, foram realizados três estudos. No Estudo I realizou-se uma revisão integrativa com o objetivo de descrever o conceito de resiliência e os principais fatores de risco e fatores de proteção descritos na literatura investigada. Foram pesquisadas seis bases de dados (PUBMED, PsycINFO, SciELO, LILACS, PePSIC e Index Psi), no período de 2015 a 2020. O enfoque das publicações concentrou-se na perspectiva processual da resiliência e destacou fatores de risco (estigma, preconceito, problemas em saúde mental, recursos econômicos limitados etc.) e de proteção (apoio familiar, recursos sociais, religiosidade, enfrentamento do estigma etc.) presentes no contexto da sorologia. O Estudo II analisou os fatores associados à saúde geral de 54 pessoas vivendo com HIV (59,3% do sexo feminino e com M = 46,81 anos de idade). Diferentes instrumentos avaliaram características sociodemográficas, condições médico-clínicas, estigma, eventos estressores, resiliência familiar e saúde geral. Estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais foram calculadas no SPSS e revelou como principais resultados: os participantes não trabalham, têm menor nível de escolaridade e baixo nível socioeconômico; encontram-se em tratamento antirretroviral e com carga viral indetectável; a saúde geral dos participantes correlacionou-se negativamente aos eventos estressores e positivamente a duas dimensões da variável estigma (autoimagem negativa e atitudes públicas); e no modelo de regressão testado, duas dimensões da variável estigma (atitudes públicas e estigma personalizado) foram preditores da saúde geral das pessoas soropositivas, ao passo que eventos estressores e resiliência familiar não se mostraram significativas. O Estudo III, por sua vez, buscou compreender processos de resiliência vivenciados por seis pessoas soropositivas e cinco familiares. A análise temática das entrevistas evidenciou os seguintes resultados: o diagnóstico traz implicações para o indivíduo e para a família no tocante à aceitação da sorologia, aos desafios relacionados ao tratamento e aos sentimentos despertados, principalmente no momento da revelação; a estigmatização mostrou-se como um estressor vivenciado tanto pelos indivíduos como por suas famílias, afetando as relações afetivas/sexuais e laborais das pessoas soropositivas. Já os principais desafios vivenciados pelas famílias se relacionam a experiências de enfermidades (câncer, Covid, toxoplasmose, AVC), gravidez, questões econômicas e saúde mental. E, por fim, verificou-se a vivência de processos significativos nos domínios da resiliência familiar ¿ sistema de crenças, padrões organizacionais e processos comunicacionais, os quais estiveram relacionados ao propósito de auxiliar outras pessoas soropositivas, valorização da vida, confiança no tratamento medicamentoso, crenças espirituais, planos para o futuro, suporte familiar, presença e apoio de pessoas significativas, além do apoio dos movimentos sociais e conhecimento sobre os direitos garantidos às pessoas vivendo com HIV. Conclui-se destacando a contribuição do estudo, ao identificar alguns processos de resiliência familiar na vivência do HIV, e que estes possam ser pensados para o desenvolvimento de práticas que atuem junto a essas famílias, reduzindo seus estressores e apoiando-as nos esforços de gerenciamento do HIV e de outras dificuldades.
Palavras-chave: HIV; soropositividade; estressores; resiliência familiar. Ver menos
Palavras-chave: HIV; soropositividade; estressores; resiliência familiar. Ver menos
This Dissertation aimed to investigate the resilience processes experienced by seropositive
people and their families. To achieve the objective, three studies were carried out. In Study I,
an integrative review was carried out with the objective of describing the concept of resilience and the main... Ver mais This Dissertation aimed to investigate the resilience processes experienced by seropositive
people and their families. To achieve the objective, three studies were carried out. In Study I,
an integrative review was carried out with the objective of describing the concept of resilience and the main risk factors and protective factors in the investigated literature. Six databases (PUBMED, PsycINFO, SciELO, LILACS, PePSIC and Index Psi) were searched from 2015
to 2020. The publications focused on the procedural perspective of resilience and highlighted
some risk factors (stigma, prejudice, mental health problems, limited resources etc.) and
protection (family support, social resources, religiosity, coping with stigma etc.) present in the
context of serology. Study II aimed to analyze the factors associated with the general health of 54 people living with HIV (59.3% female and M = 46.81 years old). Different instruments
assessed sociodemographic characteristics, medical and clinical conditions, stigma, stressful
events, family resilience and general health. Descriptive and inferential statistics were
calculated in SPSS and revealed the following main results: participants do not work, have a
lower level of education and low socioeconomic status; are on antiretroviral treatment and have an undetectable viral load; the participants' general health correlated negatively with stressful events and positively with two dimensions of the stigma variable (negative self-image and public attitudes); and in the tested regression model, two dimensions of the stigma variable (public attitudes and personalized stigma) were predictors of the general health of HIV-positive people, whereas stressful events and family resilience were not significant. Study III, in turn, sought to understand resilience processes experienced by six HIV-positive people and five Family. For the analysis of the interviews, thematic analysis was used, which generated four major themes. It was verified that the diagnosis has implications for the individual and the family regarding the acceptance of the serology, the treatment challenges and the feelings caused by the diagnosis disclosure. Stigmatization proved to be a stressor experienced by both individuals and their families, also affecting the affective/sexual and work relationships of the seropositives. The main reported challenges by families are related to illness experiences (cancer, Covid, toxoplasmosis, stroke), pregnancy, economic issues and mental health. Finally, there were significant processes in the domains of family resilience, mainly related to the purpose of helping other seropositive people, valuing life, confidence in drug treatment, spiritual beliefs, plans for the future, family support, significant people and especially support of social movements and knowledge about the rights guaranteed to people living with HIV. The study highlights some familiar resilience processes when experiencing HIV and suggests they could be used to develop practices to help the families, reducing their stressors and supporting them while coping with HIV and other difficulties.
Keywords: HIV; seropositivity; stressors; family resilience Ver menos
people and their families. To achieve the objective, three studies were carried out. In Study I,
an integrative review was carried out with the objective of describing the concept of resilience and the main... Ver mais This Dissertation aimed to investigate the resilience processes experienced by seropositive
people and their families. To achieve the objective, three studies were carried out. In Study I,
an integrative review was carried out with the objective of describing the concept of resilience and the main risk factors and protective factors in the investigated literature. Six databases (PUBMED, PsycINFO, SciELO, LILACS, PePSIC and Index Psi) were searched from 2015
to 2020. The publications focused on the procedural perspective of resilience and highlighted
some risk factors (stigma, prejudice, mental health problems, limited resources etc.) and
protection (family support, social resources, religiosity, coping with stigma etc.) present in the
context of serology. Study II aimed to analyze the factors associated with the general health of 54 people living with HIV (59.3% female and M = 46.81 years old). Different instruments
assessed sociodemographic characteristics, medical and clinical conditions, stigma, stressful
events, family resilience and general health. Descriptive and inferential statistics were
calculated in SPSS and revealed the following main results: participants do not work, have a
lower level of education and low socioeconomic status; are on antiretroviral treatment and have an undetectable viral load; the participants' general health correlated negatively with stressful events and positively with two dimensions of the stigma variable (negative self-image and public attitudes); and in the tested regression model, two dimensions of the stigma variable (public attitudes and personalized stigma) were predictors of the general health of HIV-positive people, whereas stressful events and family resilience were not significant. Study III, in turn, sought to understand resilience processes experienced by six HIV-positive people and five Family. For the analysis of the interviews, thematic analysis was used, which generated four major themes. It was verified that the diagnosis has implications for the individual and the family regarding the acceptance of the serology, the treatment challenges and the feelings caused by the diagnosis disclosure. Stigmatization proved to be a stressor experienced by both individuals and their families, also affecting the affective/sexual and work relationships of the seropositives. The main reported challenges by families are related to illness experiences (cancer, Covid, toxoplasmosis, stroke), pregnancy, economic issues and mental health. Finally, there were significant processes in the domains of family resilience, mainly related to the purpose of helping other seropositive people, valuing life, confidence in drug treatment, spiritual beliefs, plans for the future, family support, significant people and especially support of social movements and knowledge about the rights guaranteed to people living with HIV. The study highlights some familiar resilience processes when experiencing HIV and suggests they could be used to develop practices to help the families, reducing their stressors and supporting them while coping with HIV and other difficulties.
Keywords: HIV; seropositivity; stressors; family resilience Ver menos
Morais, Normanda Araújo de
Nunes, Mykaella Cristina Antunes
Goncalves, Tonantzin Ribeiro
Banca examinadora
Viana, Luciana Maria Maia
Banca examinadora
Universidade de Fortaleza. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia
Dissertação (mestrado)