A influência da empatia na proposição de valor, cocriação de valor e valor em uso no modelo de retenção de clientes bancários [Digital]
Fortaleza, 2023.
A retenção de clientes consiste em maximizar o relacionamento entre o prestador de serviços e o cliente, a fim de manter a sobrevivência da organização a longo prazo. Embora estudos teóricos e empíricos sobre os determinantes da retenção de clientes e seu impacto no desempenho corporativo sejam...
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A retenção de clientes consiste em maximizar o relacionamento entre o prestador de serviços e o cliente, a fim de manter a sobrevivência da organização a longo prazo. Embora estudos teóricos e empíricos sobre os determinantes da retenção de clientes e seu impacto no desempenho corporativo sejam realizados frequentemente, somente o estudo de Dal Bo, Milan e De Toni (2018) pesquisou a retenção de clientes dentro da perspectiva da proposição de valor, amparado nos pressupostos teóricos da Lógica Dominante do Serviço (SDL) e Lógica do Serviço (SL) e Lógica do Dominante do Cliente (CDL). Por outro lado, ainda que a compreensão da criação de valor englobe o entendimento do contexto social coletivo e o cliente tenha se tornado o ponto focal das transações no marketing de serviço, como entendido pela CDL, não foi encontrado na literatura vigente nenhum estudo relacionando a empatia à perspectiva de valor. Neste sentido, foi desenvolvido e testado um modelo teórico de retenção de clientes baseado em empatia, que contempla os construtos empatia, cocriação de valor, proposição de valor e valor em uso como determinantes da retenção de clientes. O estudo foi realizado por meio de pesquisa quantitativa, realizada em uma amostra de 301 clientes de instituições bancárias com dados coletados online, usando formulário eletrônico do Google Forms. A análise dos resultados foi realizada com base em estatística multivariada, utilizando o Modelo de Equações Estruturais para analisar e conhecer os fatores e as relações que compõem o modelo proposto. Os resultados mostram que o modelo teórico proposto fornece indicadores de ajuste satisfatórios. Foram testadas sete hipóteses das quais seis foram validadas. Os resultados evidenciaram a empatia explicando a variação da cocriação de valor, proposição de valor e do valor em uso. A contribuição teórica foi a validação das seis hipóteses confirmando as fortes relações entre os construtos investigados (empatia e cocriação; empatia e proposição de valor; empatia e valor em uso; proposição e valor em uso; e valor em uso e retenção de clientes) e principalmente da empatia com influência forte, positivamente e significativa na cocriação de valor. Outra contribuição de destaque é a validação da relação do valor em uso e retenção de clientes, postulando o valor em uso como um importante determinante da retenção de clientes em contexto de serviço. Entretanto a contribuição mais importante foi a validação da influência da empatia na retenção mediada pelo valor em uso, fornecendo fortes evidências empíricas aos pressupostos teóricos da teoria do marketing baseado em empatia e da teoria da simulação empática. Por fim, as contribuições gerenciais direcionam as instituições financeiras a implementarem, dentro de uma perspectiva empática, atividades que tragam colaboração e envolvimento da experiência do cliente em seus programas e projetos, para aumentar a retenção de clientes e contribuir para o despenho operacional e financeiro do setor.
Palavras-chave: proposição de valor. cocriação de valor. valor em uso. Empatia. retenção de clientes. marketing baseado em empatia. Ver menos
Palavras-chave: proposição de valor. cocriação de valor. valor em uso. Empatia. retenção de clientes. marketing baseado em empatia. Ver menos
Customer retention consists of maximizing the relationship between the service
provider and the customer in order to maintain the long-term survival of the
organization. Although theoretical and empirical studies on the determinants of
customer retention and its impact on corporate performance... Ver mais Customer retention consists of maximizing the relationship between the service
provider and the customer in order to maintain the long-term survival of the
organization. Although theoretical and empirical studies on the determinants of
customer retention and its impact on corporate performance are frequently carried out,
studies on customer retention from the perspective of the value proposition are rare,
supported by the theoretical assumptions of the Service Dominant Logic (SDL) and
Service Logic (SL) and Customer Dominant Logic (CDL). On the other hand, even
though the understanding of value creation encompasses the understanding of the
collective social context and the customer has become the focal point of transactions
in service marketing, as understood by the CDL, no study was found in the current
literature relating to empathy to the value perspective. In this sense, a theoretical model
of customer retention based on empathy was developed and tested, which includes
the constructs empathy, co-creation of value, value proposition and value in use as
determinants of customer retention. The study was carried out through quantitative
research, carried out on a sample of 301 customers of banking institutions with data
collected online, using an electronic form on Google Forms . The analysis of the results
was based on multivariate statistics, using the Structural Equations Model to analyze
and understand the factors and relationships that make up the proposed model. The
results show that the proposed theoretical model provides satisfactory fit indicators.
Seven hypotheses were tested, six of which were validated. The results showed
empathy explaining the variation in value co-creation, value proposition and value in
use. The theoretical contribution was the validation of the six hypotheses confirming
the strong relationships between the investigated constructs (empathy and co-creation;
empathy and value proposition; empathy and value in use; proposition and value in
use; and value in use and customer retention) and mainly from empathy with a strong,
positive and significant influence on the co-creation of value. Another outstanding
contribution is the validation of the relationship between value in use and customer
retention, postulating value in use as an important determinant of customer retention
in a service context. However, the most important contribution was the validation of the
influence of empathy on retention mediated by value in use, providing strong empirical
evidence for the theoretical assumptions of empathy-based marketing theory and
empathic simulation theory. Finally, managerial contributions direct financial
institutions to implement, within an empathetic perspective, activities that bring
collaboration and involvement of the customer experience in their programs and
projects, to increase customer retention and contribute to the operational and financial
performance of the sector.
Keywords: Value Proposition. Co-Creation of Value. Value in Use. Empathy.
Retention of Customers. Empathy-Based Marketing. Ver menos
provider and the customer in order to maintain the long-term survival of the
organization. Although theoretical and empirical studies on the determinants of
customer retention and its impact on corporate performance... Ver mais Customer retention consists of maximizing the relationship between the service
provider and the customer in order to maintain the long-term survival of the
organization. Although theoretical and empirical studies on the determinants of
customer retention and its impact on corporate performance are frequently carried out,
studies on customer retention from the perspective of the value proposition are rare,
supported by the theoretical assumptions of the Service Dominant Logic (SDL) and
Service Logic (SL) and Customer Dominant Logic (CDL). On the other hand, even
though the understanding of value creation encompasses the understanding of the
collective social context and the customer has become the focal point of transactions
in service marketing, as understood by the CDL, no study was found in the current
literature relating to empathy to the value perspective. In this sense, a theoretical model
of customer retention based on empathy was developed and tested, which includes
the constructs empathy, co-creation of value, value proposition and value in use as
determinants of customer retention. The study was carried out through quantitative
research, carried out on a sample of 301 customers of banking institutions with data
collected online, using an electronic form on Google Forms . The analysis of the results
was based on multivariate statistics, using the Structural Equations Model to analyze
and understand the factors and relationships that make up the proposed model. The
results show that the proposed theoretical model provides satisfactory fit indicators.
Seven hypotheses were tested, six of which were validated. The results showed
empathy explaining the variation in value co-creation, value proposition and value in
use. The theoretical contribution was the validation of the six hypotheses confirming
the strong relationships between the investigated constructs (empathy and co-creation;
empathy and value proposition; empathy and value in use; proposition and value in
use; and value in use and customer retention) and mainly from empathy with a strong,
positive and significant influence on the co-creation of value. Another outstanding
contribution is the validation of the relationship between value in use and customer
retention, postulating value in use as an important determinant of customer retention
in a service context. However, the most important contribution was the validation of the
influence of empathy on retention mediated by value in use, providing strong empirical
evidence for the theoretical assumptions of empathy-based marketing theory and
empathic simulation theory. Finally, managerial contributions direct financial
institutions to implement, within an empathetic perspective, activities that bring
collaboration and involvement of the customer experience in their programs and
projects, to increase customer retention and contribute to the operational and financial
performance of the sector.
Keywords: Value Proposition. Co-Creation of Value. Value in Use. Empathy.
Retention of Customers. Empathy-Based Marketing. Ver menos
Castelo, Jose Sarto Freire
Pompeu, Randal Martins
Banca examinadora
Souza, Lucas Lopes Ferreira de
Banca examinadora
Barbosa, Milena Reis Auip
Banca examinadora
Rabêlo Neto, Alexandre
Banca examinadora
Silva, Áurio Lúcio Leocádio da
Banca examinadora