Análise dos votos do Supremo Tribunal Federal no 4° AGRG no inq. 4.435/DF/2019 a partir das perspectivas das teorias discursivas, argumentativas e hermenêuticas do direito [Digital]
Fortaleza, 2023.
As competências da Justiça Eleitoral são consideradas anômalas, à medida em que possuem várias naturezas, como: consultiva, normativa, administrativa e jurisdicional. Quanto a esta última, verifica-se que pedem questionamentos, notadamente, em razão de o Código Eleitoral ser anterior ao atual texto...
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As competências da Justiça Eleitoral são consideradas anômalas, à medida em que possuem várias naturezas, como: consultiva, normativa, administrativa e jurisdicional. Quanto a esta última, verifica-se que pedem questionamentos, notadamente, em razão de o Código Eleitoral ser anterior ao atual texto constitucional e algumas decisões oriundas da Justiça Eleitoral serem desprovidas de fundamentação, aliado ao excessivo poder normativo desta Justiça. Como exemplo dessa realidade, tem-se a repercussão assumida na decisão do STF no 4° AgRg no INQ. 4435/DF, que concluiu pela competência da Justiça Eleitoral para processar e julgar crimes comuns conexos aos eleitorais. Com essa decisão, a recepcionalidade dessa competência frente à CF/88, a interferência política na razão de decidir da Corte e um possível (des)preparo da Justiça Eleitoral em lidar com demandas de alta complexidade foram objetos de discussão. A justificativa da pesquisa repousa, para a ciência do Direito, no fato de que não existem pesquisas que abordem a decisão em abordagem a partir das teorias discursivas, hermenêuticas e argumentativas do Direito; por isso, a originalidade no recorte apresentado. Além disso, relevante por se tratar de uma decisão que tem impactado a estrutura e organização da Justiça Eleitoral, à medida em que atribui nova competência jurisdicional. Justifica-se, igualmente, à sociedade, haja vista que esta é parcela jurisdicionada. A problemática reside em que medida as teorias argumentativas, discursivas e hermenêuticas do Direito justificam ou dão assento à decisão do STF no 4° AgRg no INQ. 4.435/DF/2019, quanto à competência da Justiça Eleitoral para processar e julgar crimes comuns conexos aos eleitorais? Nesse sentido, o objetivo geral é analisar essa decisão, mais detidamente, os discursos proferidos pelos ministros, a partir das teorias discursivas, hermenêuticas e argumentativas do Direito. Como objetivos específicos, têm-se: Verificar a questão sob a ótica do surgimento institucional da Justiça Eleitoral, da repartição de suas competências constitucionais, indo até os aspectos constitucionais e infraconstitucionais relativos ao caso; Avaliar as teorias da argumentação jurídica, da hermenêutica e da Análise do Discurso no Direito, apresentando suas bases teóricas com o escopo de dar sustentação à análise dos argumentos dos ministros no caso; Identificar e analisar os argumentos invocados pelos ministros do STF no julgamento, a partir das teorias discursivas, argumentativas e hermenêuticas do Direito, de forma a verificar quais os critérios e fundamentos foram adotados para se chegar a uma conclusão que permite à Justiça Eleitoral o processo e julgamento de crimes comuns conexos aos eleitorais para, por fim, propor soluções ao caso, com novas propostas. Quanto à metodologia, trata-se de pesquisa bibliográfica documental, jurisprudencial, exploratória e explicativa, com apoio de artigos especializados retirados de plataformas indexadas pelo Portal Periódicos CAPES, Google Acadêmico, Scielo e V|Lex. Por fim, até esse estágio da pesquisa, verificou-se que tanto os argumentos favoráveis quanto os contrários ao resultado final do 4° AgRg No INQ. 4.435/DF contidos nos votos dos ministros foram construídos interdiscursivamente, com base em argumentos-mãe que influenciaram na identidade dos demais, constatando, também, a tendência da polifania do
discurso e de mútua comunicação entre os interlocutores. Ademais, mesmo com pontos de vista divergentes, confirmou-se a tendência de cooperação entre os ministros, ao buscar elucidar a competência/incompetência da Justiça Eleitoral no processamento e julgamento de crimes comuns conexos aos crimes eleitorais. Para além disso, aponta-se a necessidade de elaboração de um novo Código Eleitoral e de uma possível Magistratura Eleitoral própria como soluções a discursos de incapacidade da Justiça Eleitoral para lidar com determinadas demandas que, muitas vezes, são oriundas de determinações judiciais e normativas. Conclui-se, ainda, que as teorias argumentativas, discursivas e hermenêuticas não dão assento ou justificam a decisão do STF no 4° AgRg no INQ. 4435/DF, mas apresentam pressupostos e técnicas que permitem averiguar os discursos jurídicos por lentes mais específicas, de modo a ampliar os campos de verificação do pesquisador.
Palavras-chave: Teorias da Argumentação Jurídica; Competência da Justiça Eleitoral; Crimes comuns conexos aos crimes eleitorais. Ver menos
discurso e de mútua comunicação entre os interlocutores. Ademais, mesmo com pontos de vista divergentes, confirmou-se a tendência de cooperação entre os ministros, ao buscar elucidar a competência/incompetência da Justiça Eleitoral no processamento e julgamento de crimes comuns conexos aos crimes eleitorais. Para além disso, aponta-se a necessidade de elaboração de um novo Código Eleitoral e de uma possível Magistratura Eleitoral própria como soluções a discursos de incapacidade da Justiça Eleitoral para lidar com determinadas demandas que, muitas vezes, são oriundas de determinações judiciais e normativas. Conclui-se, ainda, que as teorias argumentativas, discursivas e hermenêuticas não dão assento ou justificam a decisão do STF no 4° AgRg no INQ. 4435/DF, mas apresentam pressupostos e técnicas que permitem averiguar os discursos jurídicos por lentes mais específicas, de modo a ampliar os campos de verificação do pesquisador.
Palavras-chave: Teorias da Argumentação Jurídica; Competência da Justiça Eleitoral; Crimes comuns conexos aos crimes eleitorais. Ver menos
The competences of the Electoral Justice are considered anomalous, as they have several
natures, such as: advisory, normative, administrative and jurisdictional. As for the latter, it appears that they call for questioning, notably because the Electoral Code predates the current constitutional text... Ver mais The competences of the Electoral Justice are considered anomalous, as they have several
natures, such as: advisory, normative, administrative and jurisdictional. As for the latter, it appears that they call for questioning, notably because the Electoral Code predates the current constitutional text and some decisions from the Electoral Court are devoid of grounds, coupled with the excessive normative power of this Court. As an example of this reality, there is the assumed repercussion in the decision of the STF in the 4th AgRg in the INQ. 4435/DF, which concluded that the Electoral Court had jurisdiction to prosecute and judge common crimes related to elections. With this decision, the receptivity of this competence in face of CF/88, political interference in the Court's reason for deciding and a possible (un)preparedness of the Electoral Justice in dealing with highly complex demands were objects of discussion. The justification of the research rests, for the science of Law, on the fact that there are no researches
that address the decision in approach from the discursive, hermeneutic and argumentative
theories of Law; hence, the originality in the presented clipping. Furthermore, it is relevant because it is a decision that has impacted the structure and organization of the Electoral Justice, as it attributes new jurisdictional competence. It is equally justified to society, given that this is a jurisdictional portion. The problem lies in the extent to which the argumentative, discursive and hermeneutic theories of Law justify or support the decision of the STF in the 4th AgRg in the INQ. 4.435/DF/2019, regarding the competence of the Electoral Court to prosecute and judge common crimes related to electoral events? In this sense, the general objective is to analyze this decision, in more detail, the speeches given by the ministers, from the discursive,
hermeneutic and argumentative theories of Law. As specific objectives, there are: To verify the question from the perspective of the institutional emergence of the Electoral Justice, of the distribution of its constitutional competences, going to the constitutional and infraconstitutional aspects related to the case; Evaluate the theories of legal argumentation, hermeneutics and Discourse Analysis in Law, presenting their theoretical bases with the aim of supporting the analysis of the justices' arguments in the case; Identify and analyze the arguments invoked by the Justices of the STF in the judgment, based on the discursive, argumentative and hermeneutic theories of Law, in order to verify which criteria and foundations were adopted to reach a
conclusion that allows the Electoral Justice to process and trial of common crimes related to elections to, finally, propose solutions to the case, with new proposals. As for the methodology, it is a documental, jurisprudential, exploratory and explanatory bibliographical research, with the support of specialized articles taken from platforms indexed by the Portal Periódicos CAPES, Google Scholar, Scielo and V|Lex. Finally, until this stage of the research, it was found that both the arguments in favor and against the final result of the 4th AgRg No INQ. 4.435/DF contained in the ministers' votes were built interdiscursively, based on mother arguments that influenced the identity of the others, noting, also, the tendency of the polyphany of the speech and of mutual communication between the interlocutors. Moreover, even with divergent points
of view, the trend of cooperation between ministers was confirmed, in seeking to elucidate the competence/incompetence of the Electoral Justice in the processing and judgment of common crimes related to electoral crimes. In addition, it points out the need to develop a new Electoral Code and a possible Electoral Judiciary as solutions to discourses of inability of the Electoral Justice to deal with certain demands that often arise from judicial and normative determinations. It is also concluded that the argumentative, discursive and hermeneutic theories do not support or justify the decision of the STF in the 4th AgRg in the INQ. 4435/DF, but present assumptions
and techniques that allow investigating legal discourses through more specific lenses, in order to expand the researcher's fields of verification.
Keywords: Theories of Legal Argumentation; Jurisdiction of the Electoral Justice; Common
crimes related to electoral crimes Ver menos
natures, such as: advisory, normative, administrative and jurisdictional. As for the latter, it appears that they call for questioning, notably because the Electoral Code predates the current constitutional text... Ver mais The competences of the Electoral Justice are considered anomalous, as they have several
natures, such as: advisory, normative, administrative and jurisdictional. As for the latter, it appears that they call for questioning, notably because the Electoral Code predates the current constitutional text and some decisions from the Electoral Court are devoid of grounds, coupled with the excessive normative power of this Court. As an example of this reality, there is the assumed repercussion in the decision of the STF in the 4th AgRg in the INQ. 4435/DF, which concluded that the Electoral Court had jurisdiction to prosecute and judge common crimes related to elections. With this decision, the receptivity of this competence in face of CF/88, political interference in the Court's reason for deciding and a possible (un)preparedness of the Electoral Justice in dealing with highly complex demands were objects of discussion. The justification of the research rests, for the science of Law, on the fact that there are no researches
that address the decision in approach from the discursive, hermeneutic and argumentative
theories of Law; hence, the originality in the presented clipping. Furthermore, it is relevant because it is a decision that has impacted the structure and organization of the Electoral Justice, as it attributes new jurisdictional competence. It is equally justified to society, given that this is a jurisdictional portion. The problem lies in the extent to which the argumentative, discursive and hermeneutic theories of Law justify or support the decision of the STF in the 4th AgRg in the INQ. 4.435/DF/2019, regarding the competence of the Electoral Court to prosecute and judge common crimes related to electoral events? In this sense, the general objective is to analyze this decision, in more detail, the speeches given by the ministers, from the discursive,
hermeneutic and argumentative theories of Law. As specific objectives, there are: To verify the question from the perspective of the institutional emergence of the Electoral Justice, of the distribution of its constitutional competences, going to the constitutional and infraconstitutional aspects related to the case; Evaluate the theories of legal argumentation, hermeneutics and Discourse Analysis in Law, presenting their theoretical bases with the aim of supporting the analysis of the justices' arguments in the case; Identify and analyze the arguments invoked by the Justices of the STF in the judgment, based on the discursive, argumentative and hermeneutic theories of Law, in order to verify which criteria and foundations were adopted to reach a
conclusion that allows the Electoral Justice to process and trial of common crimes related to elections to, finally, propose solutions to the case, with new proposals. As for the methodology, it is a documental, jurisprudential, exploratory and explanatory bibliographical research, with the support of specialized articles taken from platforms indexed by the Portal Periódicos CAPES, Google Scholar, Scielo and V|Lex. Finally, until this stage of the research, it was found that both the arguments in favor and against the final result of the 4th AgRg No INQ. 4.435/DF contained in the ministers' votes were built interdiscursively, based on mother arguments that influenced the identity of the others, noting, also, the tendency of the polyphany of the speech and of mutual communication between the interlocutors. Moreover, even with divergent points
of view, the trend of cooperation between ministers was confirmed, in seeking to elucidate the competence/incompetence of the Electoral Justice in the processing and judgment of common crimes related to electoral crimes. In addition, it points out the need to develop a new Electoral Code and a possible Electoral Judiciary as solutions to discourses of inability of the Electoral Justice to deal with certain demands that often arise from judicial and normative determinations. It is also concluded that the argumentative, discursive and hermeneutic theories do not support or justify the decision of the STF in the 4th AgRg in the INQ. 4435/DF, but present assumptions
and techniques that allow investigating legal discourses through more specific lenses, in order to expand the researcher's fields of verification.
Keywords: Theories of Legal Argumentation; Jurisdiction of the Electoral Justice; Common
crimes related to electoral crimes Ver menos
Tassigny, Mônica Mota
Leitão, Rômulo Guilherme
Banca examinadora
Albuquerque, Renata Lima
Banca examinadora
Universidade de Fortaleza. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito Constitucional
Dissertação (mestrado)