Terminal de consulta web

BIDS - A Business Intelligence and Data Science Development Process Supported by the Principles of Design Thinking, ISO/IEC 25000, and Rational Unified Process [Digital]

BIDS - A Business Intelligence and Data Science Development Process Supported by the Principles of Design Thinking, ISO/IEC 25000, and Rational Unified Process [Digital]




Fortaleza, 2022.

Business Intelligence (BI) é um termo que ganhou popularidade nos últimos anos, com
outros conceitos surgindo, como Data Warehouse, Data Mart, Data Deluge, Data Quality,
ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) e Data Science, o moderno termo guarda-chuva.
Resumindo a visão atual de Data Science (DS), como... Ver mais
Business Intelligence (BI) is a term that gained popularity in recent years, with other
concepts coming along, such as Data Warehouse, Data Mart, Data Deluge, Data Quality,
ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), and Data Science, the modern umbrella term.
Summarizing the current view of Data Science (DS),... Ver mais

BIDS - A Business Intelligence and Data Science Development Process Supported by the Principles of Design Thinking, ISO/IEC 25000, and Rational Unified Process [Digital]


BIDS - A Business Intelligence and Data Science Development Process Supported by the Principles of Design Thinking, ISO/IEC 25000, and Rational Unified Process [Digital]