O percurso da produção habitacional estatal no município de Fortaleza: mudanças e permanências [Digital]
Fortaleza, 2020.
A expansão urbana no Município de Fortaleza esteve historicamente associada ao problema da habitação para a população de baixa renda, sobretudo como as instâncias governamentais trataram a questão utilizando a redistribuição espacial das camadas mais pobres por meio de conjuntos habitacionais...
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A expansão urbana no Município de Fortaleza esteve historicamente associada ao problema da habitação para a população de baixa renda, sobretudo como as instâncias governamentais trataram a questão utilizando a redistribuição espacial das camadas mais pobres por meio de conjuntos habitacionais periféricos que induziram ao espraiamento da cidade e à conurbação com os outros municípios da Região Metropolitana de Fortaleza. Essa prática governamental de produzir moradias para a população mais pobre em regiões distantes, sem infraestrutura e serviços públicos adequados a demanda gerada, sem diversidade de atividades, sem oportunidades de emprego e renda, sem transporte público satisfatório, revelam o caráter segregacional e excludente, que comprometem o bem estar dos mesmos população, e produzem efeitos negativos para toda a cidade. A questão da habitação para a população de baixa renda é bastante complexa e exige de todos, governo e sociedade, um enorme esforço para equacioná-la. As políticas habitacionais implementadas pelo Poder Público em suas três esferas: União; Estado e Município não conseguiram até agora abranger todas as dimensões necessárias do habitar, mas fica claro a urgência em se adotar novas posturas em relação à produção estatal dessa moradia, incluindo-a como parte integrante de uma verdadeira política de desenvolvimento urbano, submetendo-a à premissas que garantam a justa e equilibrada distribuição dos benefícios da cidade para todos os cidadãos. Nesse contexto, a pesquisa aqui realizada objetiva analisar a produção habitacional estatal voltada para famílias de baixa renda, implementada durante oito décadas no Município de Fortaleza, contextualizando-a à realidade brasileira e local em cada período, com suporte numa abordagem histórica do seu percurso. Para tal, foi resgatado o processo histórico da produção habitacional de interesse social produzida pelo Poder Público em âmbito nacional primeiramente e depois em âmbito local, por meio de quatro recortes temporais. Desse modo, procurou-se compreender como as políticas e programas habitacionais foram traduzidos para a realidade social, política e econômica de Fortaleza e quais foram seus resultados formais em relação ao número de unidades habitacionais produzidas, a inserção urbana dos conjuntos, e sobretudo o que muda e permanece no decorrer do tempo, e assim analisar de que modo resolve ou não a questão da habitação.
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Fortaleza city's disorderly urban expansion has been historically associated with matters of
popular housing, mainly how government agencies have dealt with the issue through the spatial
redistribution of the poorest layers of society to peripheral housing complexes, which led to the
spreading-out... Ver mais Fortaleza city's disorderly urban expansion has been historically associated with matters of
popular housing, mainly how government agencies have dealt with the issue through the spatial
redistribution of the poorest layers of society to peripheral housing complexes, which led to the
spreading-out of the city and its conurbation with other municipalities in the Metropolitan
Region of Fortaleza. This governmental practice of building affordable housing in distant
regions, without infrastructure and public services adequate to the new demand, without
diversity of activities, without job and income opportunities, without satisfactory public
transport, reveal a segregational and excluding disposition, that compromises the welfare of the
poorest, and produces negative effects for the city as a whole. The issue of social housing is
indeed complex and would require from all, government and society, huge efforts in order to
be addressed. Housing policies implemented by the three spheres of Government: the Union;
the State; and the Municipality so far have failed to cover all necessary dimensions of housing,
though the urgency of adopting new attitudes towards the production of popular housing is
clear, making it part of a true urban development policy, submitting it to premises which
guarantee a fair and balanced distribution of the city's benefits to all of its citizens. Given this
context, the research here conducted aims to analyze the construction of social housing
implemented over eight decades in Fortaleza city, contextualizing it to the Brazilian and local
realities of each period, supported by a historical approach of its course. For such, the historic
process of social housing produced by the Government was salvaged, first at a national level
then at a local level, over four time cuts. Thus, we sought to understand how housing policies
and housing programs were translated into the social, political and economical reality of
Fortaleza and what were its formal results, especially in regards to the number of housing units
built and the urban insertion of the complexes.
Keywords: Housing Construction. Housing and urban policies. Urban Insertion.
Peripheralization. Ver menos
popular housing, mainly how government agencies have dealt with the issue through the spatial
redistribution of the poorest layers of society to peripheral housing complexes, which led to the
spreading-out... Ver mais Fortaleza city's disorderly urban expansion has been historically associated with matters of
popular housing, mainly how government agencies have dealt with the issue through the spatial
redistribution of the poorest layers of society to peripheral housing complexes, which led to the
spreading-out of the city and its conurbation with other municipalities in the Metropolitan
Region of Fortaleza. This governmental practice of building affordable housing in distant
regions, without infrastructure and public services adequate to the new demand, without
diversity of activities, without job and income opportunities, without satisfactory public
transport, reveal a segregational and excluding disposition, that compromises the welfare of the
poorest, and produces negative effects for the city as a whole. The issue of social housing is
indeed complex and would require from all, government and society, huge efforts in order to
be addressed. Housing policies implemented by the three spheres of Government: the Union;
the State; and the Municipality so far have failed to cover all necessary dimensions of housing,
though the urgency of adopting new attitudes towards the production of popular housing is
clear, making it part of a true urban development policy, submitting it to premises which
guarantee a fair and balanced distribution of the city's benefits to all of its citizens. Given this
context, the research here conducted aims to analyze the construction of social housing
implemented over eight decades in Fortaleza city, contextualizing it to the Brazilian and local
realities of each period, supported by a historical approach of its course. For such, the historic
process of social housing produced by the Government was salvaged, first at a national level
then at a local level, over four time cuts. Thus, we sought to understand how housing policies
and housing programs were translated into the social, political and economical reality of
Fortaleza and what were its formal results, especially in regards to the number of housing units
built and the urban insertion of the complexes.
Keywords: Housing Construction. Housing and urban policies. Urban Insertion.
Peripheralization. Ver menos
Albuquerque, Carla Camila Girao
Albuquerque, Carla Camila Girao
Banca examinadora
Loureiro, Joisa Maria Barroso
Banca examinadora
Brasil, Amiria Bezerra
Banca examinadora
Universidade de Fortaleza. Mestrado Profissional em Ciências da Cidade
Dissertação (mestrado)