Um olhar sobre a concentração da indústria portuárias brasileiras [Digital]
Fortaleza, 2020.
A corrente que une um exportador a um importador é longa e com diversos elos, todos são importantes. Um deles, entretanto, a instalação portuária, detém um papel de ponte entre o mar e a terra. Sua construção é uma corrida de obstáculos e seu funcionamento um desafio constante. Entender como se dá a...
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A corrente que une um exportador a um importador é longa e com diversos elos, todos são importantes. Um deles, entretanto, a instalação portuária, detém um papel de ponte entre o mar e a terra. Sua construção é uma corrida de obstáculos e seu funcionamento um desafio constante. Entender como se dá a sua participação e sobrevivência nesse mercado é um grande desafio, pois pode ser visto por vários ângulos. No caso da Indústria Portuária Brasileira, há um grande desafio devido às diversas definições, conceitos e evoluções legais que ainda não permitiram a sua estabilidade administrativa. Além disso, viu-se a necessidade de explanar como são os tipos de instalação no Brasil. Escolheuse analisar um período da Indústria Portuária Brasileira, aplicando os índices de concentração de Gini, de Herfindahl-Hirschman e o de Relação de Concentração para, de exploratória, com um banco de dados do Sistema de Desempenho Portuário Brasileiro ¿ gerido pela ANTAQ - classificar sua concentração e identificar a ocorrência de instalações que se destacam das demais. Cita-se o TUP do Pecém como uma instalação que se percebeu ter uma grande evolução e com potencial para contribuir com o desenvolvimento da indústria portuária em estudo. A presente pesquisa conclui que no período de 2010 a 2018 a indústria portuária brasileira, observando suas Instalações Portuárias segundo a classificação da ANTAQ, possui uma tendência de ficar fortemente concentrada. Embora haja uma tendência das instalações portuárias, utilizaram a
denominação de Terminal de Uso Privado, isso ainda não está concretizado e precisa, portanto, de definição quanto ao modelo a ser aplicado, dados os vários tipos de instalações e sucessivas modificações legais e administrativas. Ver menos
denominação de Terminal de Uso Privado, isso ainda não está concretizado e precisa, portanto, de definição quanto ao modelo a ser aplicado, dados os vários tipos de instalações e sucessivas modificações legais e administrativas. Ver menos
The chain between an exporter and an importer is long and with several links, all are
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and... Ver mais The chain between an exporter and an importer is long and with several links, all are
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and survive in this market is a great challenge, as it
can be seen from several angles. In the case of the Brazilian Port Industry, there is a
great challenge due to the various definitions, concepts and legal developments that
have not yet allowed its administrative stability. In addition, there was a need to explain the types of installation in Brazil. It was analyzed a period of the Brazilian Port Industry, applying the Gini concentration indexes, by Herfindahl-Hirschman and the
Concentration Ratio to exploratory trough a database of the Brazilian Port Performance
System - managed by ANTAQ - classify their concentration and identify the occurrence
of installations that stand out from the others. The Pecém TUP is cited as an installation that was perceived to have a great evolution and with the potential to contribute to the development of the port industry under study. The present research concludes that in the period from 2010 to 2018 the Brazilian port industry, observing its Port Facilities according to the ANTAQ classification, tends to be strongly concentrated. Although there is a tendency for port facilities to use the name of Private Use Terminal, this has not yet been achieved and therefore needs definition as to the model to be applied, given the various types of facilities and successive legal and administrative changes. Ver menos
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and... Ver mais The chain between an exporter and an importer is long and with several links, all are
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and survive in this market is a great challenge, as it
can be seen from several angles. In the case of the Brazilian Port Industry, there is a
great challenge due to the various definitions, concepts and legal developments that
have not yet allowed its administrative stability. In addition, there was a need to explain the types of installation in Brazil. It was analyzed a period of the Brazilian Port Industry, applying the Gini concentration indexes, by Herfindahl-Hirschman and the
Concentration Ratio to exploratory trough a database of the Brazilian Port Performance
System - managed by ANTAQ - classify their concentration and identify the occurrence
of installations that stand out from the others. The Pecém TUP is cited as an installation that was perceived to have a great evolution and with the potential to contribute to the development of the port industry under study. The present research concludes that in the period from 2010 to 2018 the Brazilian port industry, observing its Port Facilities according to the ANTAQ classification, tends to be strongly concentrated. Although there is a tendency for port facilities to use the name of Private Use Terminal, this has not yet been achieved and therefore needs definition as to the model to be applied, given the various types of facilities and successive legal and administrative changes. Ver menos
The chain between an exporter and an importer is long and with several links, all are
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and... Ver mais The chain between an exporter and an importer is long and with several links, all are
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and survive in this market is a great challenge, as it
can be seen from several angles. In the case of the Brazilian Port Industry, there is a
great challenge due to the various definitions, concepts and legal developments that
have not yet allowed its administrative stability. In addition, there was a need to explain the types of installation in Brazil. It was analyzed a period of the Brazilian Port Industry, applying the Gini concentration indexes, by Herfindahl-Hirschman and the
Concentration Ratio to exploratory trough a database of the Brazilian Port Performance
System - managed by ANTAQ - classify their concentration and identify the occurrence
of installations that stand out from the others. The Pecém TUP is cited as an installation that was perceived to have a great evolution and with the potential to contribute to the development of the port industry under study. The present research concludes that in the period from 2010 to 2018 the Brazilian port industry, observing its Port Facilities according to the ANTAQ classification, tends to be strongly concentrated. Although there is a tendency for port facilities to use the name of Private Use Terminal, this has not yet been achieved and therefore needs definition as to the model to be applied, given the various types of facilities and successive legal and administrative changes. Ver menos
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and... Ver mais The chain between an exporter and an importer is long and with several links, all are
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and survive in this market is a great challenge, as it
can be seen from several angles. In the case of the Brazilian Port Industry, there is a
great challenge due to the various definitions, concepts and legal developments that
have not yet allowed its administrative stability. In addition, there was a need to explain the types of installation in Brazil. It was analyzed a period of the Brazilian Port Industry, applying the Gini concentration indexes, by Herfindahl-Hirschman and the
Concentration Ratio to exploratory trough a database of the Brazilian Port Performance
System - managed by ANTAQ - classify their concentration and identify the occurrence
of installations that stand out from the others. The Pecém TUP is cited as an installation that was perceived to have a great evolution and with the potential to contribute to the development of the port industry under study. The present research concludes that in the period from 2010 to 2018 the Brazilian port industry, observing its Port Facilities according to the ANTAQ classification, tends to be strongly concentrated. Although there is a tendency for port facilities to use the name of Private Use Terminal, this has not yet been achieved and therefore needs definition as to the model to be applied, given the various types of facilities and successive legal and administrative changes. Ver menos
The chain between an exporter and an importer is long and with several links, all are
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and... Ver mais The chain between an exporter and an importer is long and with several links, all are
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and survive in this market is a great challenge, as it
can be seen from several angles. In the case of the Brazilian Port Industry, there is a
great challenge due to the various definitions, concepts and legal developments that
have not yet allowed its administrative stability. In addition, there was a need to explain the types of installation in Brazil. It was analyzed a period of the Brazilian Port Industry, applying the Gini concentration indexes, by Herfindahl-Hirschman and the
Concentration Ratio to exploratory trough a database of the Brazilian Port Performance
System - managed by ANTAQ - classify their concentration and identify the occurrence
of installations that stand out from the others. The Pecém TUP is cited as an installation that was perceived to have a great evolution and with the potential to contribute to the development of the port industry under study. The present research concludes that in the period from 2010 to 2018 the Brazilian port industry, observing its Port Facilities according to the ANTAQ classification, tends to be strongly concentrated. Although there is a tendency for port facilities to use the name of Private Use Terminal, this has not yet been achieved and therefore needs definition as to the model to be applied, given the various types of facilities and successive legal and administrative changes. Ver menos
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and... Ver mais The chain between an exporter and an importer is long and with several links, all are
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and survive in this market is a great challenge, as it
can be seen from several angles. In the case of the Brazilian Port Industry, there is a
great challenge due to the various definitions, concepts and legal developments that
have not yet allowed its administrative stability. In addition, there was a need to explain the types of installation in Brazil. It was analyzed a period of the Brazilian Port Industry, applying the Gini concentration indexes, by Herfindahl-Hirschman and the
Concentration Ratio to exploratory trough a database of the Brazilian Port Performance
System - managed by ANTAQ - classify their concentration and identify the occurrence
of installations that stand out from the others. The Pecém TUP is cited as an installation that was perceived to have a great evolution and with the potential to contribute to the development of the port industry under study. The present research concludes that in the period from 2010 to 2018 the Brazilian port industry, observing its Port Facilities according to the ANTAQ classification, tends to be strongly concentrated. Although there is a tendency for port facilities to use the name of Private Use Terminal, this has not yet been achieved and therefore needs definition as to the model to be applied, given the various types of facilities and successive legal and administrative changes. Ver menos
The chain between an exporter and an importer is long and with several links, all are
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and... Ver mais The chain between an exporter and an importer is long and with several links, all are
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and survive in this market is a great challenge, as it
can be seen from several angles. In the case of the Brazilian Port Industry, there is a
great challenge due to the various definitions, concepts and legal developments that
have not yet allowed its administrative stability. In addition, there was a need to explain the types of installation in Brazil. It was analyzed a period of the Brazilian Port Industry, applying the Gini concentration indexes, by Herfindahl-Hirschman and the
Concentration Ratio to exploratory trough a database of the Brazilian Port Performance
System - managed by ANTAQ - classify their concentration and identify the occurrence
of installations that stand out from the others. The Pecém TUP is cited as an installation that was perceived to have a great evolution and with the potential to contribute to the development of the port industry under study. The present research concludes that in the period from 2010 to 2018 the Brazilian port industry, observing its Port Facilities according to the ANTAQ classification, tends to be strongly concentrated. Although there is a tendency for port facilities to use the name of Private Use Terminal, this has not yet been achieved and therefore needs definition as to the model to be applied, given the various types of facilities and successive legal and administrative changes. Ver menos
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and... Ver mais The chain between an exporter and an importer is long and with several links, all are
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and survive in this market is a great challenge, as it
can be seen from several angles. In the case of the Brazilian Port Industry, there is a
great challenge due to the various definitions, concepts and legal developments that
have not yet allowed its administrative stability. In addition, there was a need to explain the types of installation in Brazil. It was analyzed a period of the Brazilian Port Industry, applying the Gini concentration indexes, by Herfindahl-Hirschman and the
Concentration Ratio to exploratory trough a database of the Brazilian Port Performance
System - managed by ANTAQ - classify their concentration and identify the occurrence
of installations that stand out from the others. The Pecém TUP is cited as an installation that was perceived to have a great evolution and with the potential to contribute to the development of the port industry under study. The present research concludes that in the period from 2010 to 2018 the Brazilian port industry, observing its Port Facilities according to the ANTAQ classification, tends to be strongly concentrated. Although there is a tendency for port facilities to use the name of Private Use Terminal, this has not yet been achieved and therefore needs definition as to the model to be applied, given the various types of facilities and successive legal and administrative changes. Ver menos
Pinheiro, Plácido Rogério
Pinheiro, Plácido Rogério
Banca examinadora
Nunes, Luciano Comin
Banca examinadora
Simão Filho, Marum
Banca examinadora
Universidade de Fortaleza. Mestrado Profissional em Administração
Dissertação (mestrado)