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Um olhar sobre a concentração da indústria portuárias brasileiras [Digital]

Um olhar sobre a concentração da indústria portuárias brasileiras [Digital]




Fortaleza, 2020.

A corrente que une um exportador a um importador é longa e com diversos elos, todos são importantes. Um deles, entretanto, a instalação portuária, detém um papel de ponte entre o mar e a terra. Sua construção é uma corrida de obstáculos e seu funcionamento um desafio constante. Entender como se dá a... Ver mais
The chain between an exporter and an importer is long and with several links, all are
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and... Ver mais
The chain between an exporter and an importer is long and with several links, all are
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and... Ver mais
The chain between an exporter and an importer is long and with several links, all are
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and... Ver mais
The chain between an exporter and an importer is long and with several links, all are
important. One of them, the port facility, is like a bridge between the sea and the land.
Its construction is an obstacle course, and its operation is a constant challenge.
Understanding how to participate and... Ver mais

Um olhar sobre a concentração da indústria portuárias brasileiras [Digital]


Um olhar sobre a concentração da indústria portuárias brasileiras [Digital]