Elaboração e validação de guia de boas práticas e comunicação clínica entre equipe de saúde bucal e pacientes [Digital]
Fortaleza, 2019.
A não comunicação entre cirurgiões-dentistas e pacientes, tanto na rede pública, como na rede privada de atendimento, dificultam a compreensão das doenças e dos tratamentos necessários. Uma boa comunicação é fundamental em qualquer área, mas, no âmbito da saúde, ganha um potencial característico, já...
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A não comunicação entre cirurgiões-dentistas e pacientes, tanto na rede pública, como na rede privada de atendimento, dificultam a compreensão das doenças e dos tratamentos necessários. Uma boa comunicação é fundamental em qualquer área, mas, no âmbito da saúde, ganha um potencial característico, já que pode impactar de forma benéfica na qualidade do atendimento. Porém, ainda se constata que essa comunicação não é tão presente. Daí questiona-se: Por que a comunicação entre profissionais de saúde e pacientes ainda é tão difícil? Assim, para colaborar com a melhoria da comunicação entre equipe de saúde bucal e pacientes, objetivou-se com elaborar e validar um Guia de Boas Práticas de Comunicação Clínica entre equipe de saúde bucal e pacientes. Trata-se, de um estudo metodológico, dividido nas seguintes fases: revisão integrativa da literatura, elaboração e validação do Guia de Boas Práticas de Comunicação Clínica entre Equipe de Saúde Bucal e Pacientes, no período de Março a Outubro de 2019. Selecionou-se os juízes a partir da ferramenta de busca do currículo lattes e também pela técnica de bola de neve, em que estes foram contatados por e-mail e convidados a participar da pesquisa. Neste mesmo e-mail, enviou-se as orientações e o protocolo da pesquisa, o Termo de Consentimento Livre e esclarecido (TCLE), o Teste de Validação de Conteúdo (APENDICE A) e o Guia. Estabeleceu-se um prazo de solicitação da devolutiva. Na primeira rodada, os juízes que validaram o conteúdo do instrumento, não excluíram, ou incluíram novos itens ao guia, porém contribuíram com sugestões de inclusão em alguns itens, que avaliaram, como necessários, tendo sido obtido Índice de Validação de Conteúdo (IVC) de 0,80%. Foi necessário a realização de uma segunda rodada de validação tendo sido obtido o IVC de 0,95. Assim, obteve-se o guia validado por nove juízes, nos três tópicos presentes no guia: Atenção da equipe de saúde bucal ao paciente; Atenção social ao paciente; Aspectos éticos e Bioéticos. Conclui-se que o guia foi validado pelos juízes podendo ser utilizado como ferramenta para a melhoria do atendimento e comunicação da equipe de saúde bucal com os pacientes.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Comunicação em Saúde. Odontologia. Humanização. Ver menos
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Comunicação em Saúde. Odontologia. Humanização. Ver menos
Non-communication between dentists and patients, both in the public network and in the private care network, make it difficult to understand the diseases and necessary treatments. Good communication is fundamental in any area, but in the health field, it gains a characteristic potential, since it...
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Non-communication between dentists and patients, both in the public network and in the private care network, make it difficult to understand the diseases and necessary treatments. Good communication is fundamental in any area, but in the health field, it gains a characteristic potential, since it can positively impact the quality of care. However, it is still observed that this communication is not so present. Hence asks: Why is communication between health professionals and patients still so difficult? Thus, to collaborate with the improvement of communication between oral health team and patients, the objective was to elaborate and validate a Guide to Good Practices of Clinical Communication between oral health team and patients. This is a methodological study, divided into the following phases: integrative review of the literature, elaboration and validation of the Guide to Good Practices of Clinical Communication between oral health team and patients, from March to October 2019. The judges were selected from the lattes curriculum search tool and also by the snowball technique, in which they were contacted by email and invited to participate in the research. In this same email, the guidelines and the research protocol, the Free and Informed Consent Form, the Content Validation Test (APPENDIX A) and the Guide were sent. A period of request for the return was established. In the first round, the judges who validated the content of the instrument did not exclude, or included new items to the guide, but contributed suggestions for inclusion in some items, which evaluated, as necessary, having been obtained Content Validation Index (IVC) of 0.80%. It was necessary to perform a second round of validation and the IVC of 0.95 was obtained. Thus, the guide validated by nine judges was obtained in the three topics present in the guide: Attention of the oral health team to the patient; Social attention to the patient; Ethical and Bioethical aspects. It is concluded that the guide was validated by the judges and can be used as a tool for improving the care and communication of the oral health team with patients.
KEYWORDS: Communication in Health. Dentistry. Humanization. Ver menos
KEYWORDS: Communication in Health. Dentistry. Humanization. Ver menos
Non-communication between dentists and patients, both in the public network and in the private care network, make it difficult to understand the diseases and necessary treatments. Good communication is fundamental in any area, but in the health field, it gains a characteristic potential, since it...
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Non-communication between dentists and patients, both in the public network and in the private care network, make it difficult to understand the diseases and necessary treatments. Good communication is fundamental in any area, but in the health field, it gains a characteristic potential, since it can positively impact the quality of care. However, it is still observed that this communication is not so present. Hence asks: Why is communication between health professionals and patients still so difficult? Thus, to collaborate with the improvement of communication between oral health team and patients, the objective was to elaborate and validate a Guide to Good Practices of Clinical Communication between oral health team and patients. This is a methodological study, divided into the following phases: integrative review of the literature, elaboration and validation of the Guide to Good Practices of Clinical Communication between oral health team and patients, from March to October 2019. The judges were selected from the lattes curriculum search tool and also by the snowball technique, in which they were contacted by email and invited to participate in the research. In this same email, the guidelines and the research protocol, the Free and Informed Consent Form, the Content Validation Test (APPENDIX A) and the Guide were sent. A period of request for the return was established. In the first round, the judges who validated the content of the instrument did not exclude, or included new items to the guide, but contributed suggestions for inclusion in some items, which evaluated, as necessary, having been obtained Content Validation Index (IVC) of 0.80%. It was necessary to perform a second round of validation and the IVC of 0.95 was obtained. Thus, the guide validated by nine judges was obtained in the three topics present in the guide: Attention of the oral health team to the patient; Social attention to the patient; Ethical and Bioethical aspects. It is concluded that the guide was validated by the judges and can be used as a tool for improving the care and communication of the oral health team with patients.
KEYWORDS: Communication in Health. Dentistry. Humanization. Ver menos
KEYWORDS: Communication in Health. Dentistry. Humanization. Ver menos
Non-communication between dentists and patients, both in the public network and in the private care network, make it difficult to understand the diseases and necessary treatments. Good communication is fundamental in any area, but in the health field, it gains a characteristic potential, since it...
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Non-communication between dentists and patients, both in the public network and in the private care network, make it difficult to understand the diseases and necessary treatments. Good communication is fundamental in any area, but in the health field, it gains a characteristic potential, since it can positively impact the quality of care. However, it is still observed that this communication is not so present. Hence asks: Why is communication between health professionals and patients still so difficult? Thus, to collaborate with the improvement of communication between oral health team and patients, the objective was to elaborate and validate a Guide to Good Practices of Clinical Communication between oral health team and patients. This is a methodological study, divided into the following phases: integrative review of the literature, elaboration and validation of the Guide to Good Practices of Clinical Communication between oral health team and patients, from March to October 2019. The judges were selected from the lattes curriculum search tool and also by the snowball technique, in which they were contacted by email and invited to participate in the research. In this same email, the guidelines and the research protocol, the Free and Informed Consent Form, the Content Validation Test (APPENDIX A) and the Guide were sent. A period of request for the return was established. In the first round, the judges who validated the content of the instrument did not exclude, or included new items to the guide, but contributed suggestions for inclusion in some items, which evaluated, as necessary, having been obtained Content Validation Index (IVC) of 0.80%. It was necessary to perform a second round of validation and the IVC of 0.95 was obtained. Thus, the guide validated by nine judges was obtained in the three topics present in the guide: Attention of the oral health team to the patient; Social attention to the patient; Ethical and Bioethical aspects. It is concluded that the guide was validated by the judges and can be used as a tool for improving the care and communication of the oral health team with patients.
KEYWORDS: Communication in Health. Dentistry. Humanization. Ver menos
KEYWORDS: Communication in Health. Dentistry. Humanization. Ver menos
Non-communication between dentists and patients, both in the public network and in the private care network, make it difficult to understand the diseases and necessary treatments. Good communication is fundamental in any area, but in the health field, it gains a characteristic potential, since it...
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Non-communication between dentists and patients, both in the public network and in the private care network, make it difficult to understand the diseases and necessary treatments. Good communication is fundamental in any area, but in the health field, it gains a characteristic potential, since it can positively impact the quality of care. However, it is still observed that this communication is not so present. Hence asks: Why is communication between health professionals and patients still so difficult? Thus, to collaborate with the improvement of communication between oral health team and patients, the objective was to elaborate and validate a Guide to Good Practices of Clinical Communication between oral health team and patients. This is a methodological study, divided into the following phases: integrative review of the literature, elaboration and validation of the Guide to Good Practices of Clinical Communication between oral health team and patients, from March to October 2019. The judges were selected from the lattes curriculum search tool and also by the snowball technique, in which they were contacted by email and invited to participate in the research. In this same email, the guidelines and the research protocol, the Free and Informed Consent Form, the Content Validation Test (APPENDIX A) and the Guide were sent. A period of request for the return was established. In the first round, the judges who validated the content of the instrument did not exclude, or included new items to the guide, but contributed suggestions for inclusion in some items, which evaluated, as necessary, having been obtained Content Validation Index (IVC) of 0.80%. It was necessary to perform a second round of validation and the IVC of 0.95 was obtained. Thus, the guide validated by nine judges was obtained in the three topics present in the guide: Attention of the oral health team to the patient; Social attention to the patient; Ethical and Bioethical aspects. It is concluded that the guide was validated by the judges and can be used as a tool for improving the care and communication of the oral health team with patients.
KEYWORDS: Communication in Health. Dentistry. Humanization. Ver menos
KEYWORDS: Communication in Health. Dentistry. Humanization. Ver menos
Tavares, Miriam Linhares
Nuto, Sharmênia de Araújo Soares
Nuto, Sharmênia de Araújo Soares
Banca examinadora
Aguiar, Dulce Maria de Lucena
Banca examinadora
Freitas, Roberto Wagner Júnior Freire de
Banca examinadora
Universidade de Fortaleza. Mestrado Profissional em Odontologia
Dissertação (mestrado)