Desenvolvimento de sistemas por end-users para o tratamento de crianças com transtorno do espectro do autismo [Digital]
Fortaleza, 2018.
O Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) consiste na presença de um desenvolvimento comprometido ou acentuadamente anormal da interação social e da comunicação e um repertório muito restrito de atividades e interesses. O Autismo, como pode ser chamado, pode se manifestar de diferentes formas,...
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O Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) consiste na presença de um desenvolvimento comprometido ou acentuadamente anormal da interação social e da comunicação e um repertório muito restrito de atividades e interesses. O Autismo, como pode ser chamado, pode se manifestar de diferentes formas, variando de acordo com a idade ou nível de desenvolvimento do paciente. Este transtorno afeta, em grau variável, a interação social e a comunicação do indivíduo, o que dificulta seu tratamento. Dependendo de suas necessidades, as crianças que têm autismo podem receber uma ampla gama de terapias, normalmente, incluindo uma combinação de tratamentos. Neste trabalho, propomos a construção de ferramentas mobile baseada em técnicas de terapia utilizadas pelos profissionais da área particular da saúde de Quixeramobim-CE e da área publica da saúde da de Quixadá-CE, no dia a dia com seus pacientes autistas. O diferencial destas ferramentas é que elas foram construídas pelos próprios profissionais da área da saúde, em uma plataforma orientada para programadores iniciantes chamada APP Inventor. O App Inventor é um software que permite aos usuários criar aplicativos para Android usando uma linguagem de programação de blocos do tipo arrastar e soltar. Foram criadas três aplicações, por três profissionais, após a construção, profissionais da área utilizaram o sistema e responderam um questionário para fortalecer a importância destas ferramentas como complemento no tratamento de crianças com Transtorno Autista e ainda encontrar possíveis falhas da ferramenta e propormos melhorias.
Palavras-chave: Transtorno Autista. Autismo. End-User Development. Ferramentas de apoio a End-Users.
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Palavras-chave: Transtorno Autista. Autismo. End-User Development. Ferramentas de apoio a End-Users.
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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) consists of the presence of a compromised or markedly abnormal development of social interaction and communication and a very restricted repertoire of activities and interests. Autism, as it may be called, can manifest itself in different ways, varying according to the...
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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) consists of the presence of a compromised or markedly abnormal development of social interaction and communication and a very restricted repertoire of activities and interests. Autism, as it may be called, can manifest itself in different ways, varying according to the age or level of development of the patient. This
disorder affects, in varying degrees, the social interaction and communication of the individual, which makes it difficult to treat. Depending on their needs, children who have autism can receive a wide range of therapies, usually including a combination of treatments. In this work, we propose the construction of mobile tools based on therapy techniques used by professionals in the private health area of Quixeramobim-CE and the public health area of Quixadá-CE, in the day-to-day with their autistic patients. The
differential of these tools is that they were built by the healthcare professionals themselves, on a platform for novice programmers called APP Inventor. App Inventor is a software that allows users to create applications for Android using a drag-and-drop block programming language. Three applications were created by three professionals. After the construction, professionals of the area used the system with their patients and answered a questionnaire to strengthen the importance of these tools as a complement in the treatment of children with Autistic Disorder and still find possible flaws of the tool and propose improvements.
Keywords: Autistic Disorder. Autism. End-User Development. Tools to support End-Users. Ver menos
disorder affects, in varying degrees, the social interaction and communication of the individual, which makes it difficult to treat. Depending on their needs, children who have autism can receive a wide range of therapies, usually including a combination of treatments. In this work, we propose the construction of mobile tools based on therapy techniques used by professionals in the private health area of Quixeramobim-CE and the public health area of Quixadá-CE, in the day-to-day with their autistic patients. The
differential of these tools is that they were built by the healthcare professionals themselves, on a platform for novice programmers called APP Inventor. App Inventor is a software that allows users to create applications for Android using a drag-and-drop block programming language. Three applications were created by three professionals. After the construction, professionals of the area used the system with their patients and answered a questionnaire to strengthen the importance of these tools as a complement in the treatment of children with Autistic Disorder and still find possible flaws of the tool and propose improvements.
Keywords: Autistic Disorder. Autism. End-User Development. Tools to support End-Users. Ver menos
Albuquerque, Victor Hugo Costa de
Albuquerque, Victor Hugo Costa de
Banca examinadora
Monteiro, Ingrid Teixeira
Banca examinadora
Duarte, João Batista Furlan
Banca examinadora
Barros, Antonio Carlos da Silva
Banca examinadora
Universidade de Fortaleza. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática Aplicada
Dissertação (mestrado)