Fatores de êxito da sucessão nas micro e pequenas empresas familiares [Digital]
Fortaleza, 2017.
A sucessão corporativa familiar é um processo em que o atual gestor (predecessor) transfere o comando da empresa a outra pessoa (sucessor). Esta transferência de direção é vital a qualquer organização e, com as Micro e Pequenas Empresas Familiares (MPEFs) não é diferente. Nesse contexto, o objetivo...
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A sucessão corporativa familiar é um processo em que o atual gestor (predecessor) transfere o comando da empresa a outra pessoa (sucessor). Esta transferência de direção é vital a qualquer organização e, com as Micro e Pequenas Empresas Familiares (MPEFs) não é diferente. Nesse contexto, o objetivo geral deste estudo é elaborar um método de avaliação do êxito da sucessão empresarial nas MPEFs com base na relevância dos seus fatores determinantes. A pesquisa é do tipo descritiva sendo utilizado o método de análise multicritério, especificamente a metodologia Multi-Attibute Global Inference of Quality (MAGIQ), proposta por McCaffrey (2009), para a definição dos pesos de importância dos fatores determinantes ao êxito na sucessão empresarial. Com base na literatura pesquisada e participação de peritos e especialistas em micro e pequenos negócios, foram classificados e calculados os pesos de cada fator e subfator e, assim elaborado método de avaliação do êxito da sucessão nas MPEFs. Este método foi aplicado a 10 (dez) gestores de MPEFs cearenses que passaram pelo processo sucessório em suas respectivas organizações. Portanto, conclui-se que as empresas pesquisadas em suas sucessões tiveram avalição considerada boa, conforme método elaborado.
Palavras-chave: Micro e pequenas empresas. Empresa familiar. Sucessão empresarial.
Análise multicritério. Multi-Attribute global inference of quality. Ver menos
Palavras-chave: Micro e pequenas empresas. Empresa familiar. Sucessão empresarial.
Análise multicritério. Multi-Attribute global inference of quality. Ver menos
The family corporate succession is a process in which the current manager (predecessor)
transfers the command of the company to another person (successor). This transfer of
direction is vital to any organization, and with Micro and Small Family Businesses (SSFBs) it is no different. In this context,... Ver mais
transfers the command of the company to another person (successor). This transfer of
direction is vital to any organization, and with Micro and Small Family Businesses (SSFBs) it is no different. In this context,... Ver mais
The family corporate succession is a process in which the current manager (predecessor)
transfers the command of the company to another person (successor). This transfer of
direction is vital to any organization, and with Micro and Small Family Businesses (SSFBs) it is no different. In this context, the overall objective of this study is to develop a method for evaluating the success of business succession in the SSFBs, based on the relevance of their determinants. The research is a descriptive one, using the multicriteria analysis method, specifically the Multi-Attibute Global Inference of Quality (MAGIQ) methodology, proposed by McCaffrey (2009), to define the importance weights of the determinants of success in business succession. Based on the researched literature and the participation of experts and experts in micro and small businesses, weights were calculated and calculated for each factor and subfactor, and thus an elaborated method of evaluating the success of succession in the MEFPs. This method was applied to 10 (ten) PMEF managers from Ceará who went through the succession process in their respective organizations. Therefore, it is concluded that the companies surveyed in their successions had an evaluation considered to be good, according to the elaborated method. Keywords: Micro and small business. Family business. Business succession. Multicriteria analysis. Multi-Attribute global inference of quality. Ver menos
transfers the command of the company to another person (successor). This transfer of
direction is vital to any organization, and with Micro and Small Family Businesses (SSFBs) it is no different. In this context, the overall objective of this study is to develop a method for evaluating the success of business succession in the SSFBs, based on the relevance of their determinants. The research is a descriptive one, using the multicriteria analysis method, specifically the Multi-Attibute Global Inference of Quality (MAGIQ) methodology, proposed by McCaffrey (2009), to define the importance weights of the determinants of success in business succession. Based on the researched literature and the participation of experts and experts in micro and small businesses, weights were calculated and calculated for each factor and subfactor, and thus an elaborated method of evaluating the success of succession in the MEFPs. This method was applied to 10 (ten) PMEF managers from Ceará who went through the succession process in their respective organizations. Therefore, it is concluded that the companies surveyed in their successions had an evaluation considered to be good, according to the elaborated method. Keywords: Micro and small business. Family business. Business succession. Multicriteria analysis. Multi-Attribute global inference of quality. Ver menos
Disponibilidade forma física: Existe obra impressa de código : 103044
Sales, Allan Andrade
Forte, Sérgio Henrique Arruda Cavalcante
Forte, Sérgio Henrique Arruda Cavalcante
Banca examinadora
Gonçalves, Carlos Alberto
Banca examinadora
Oliveira, Oderlene Vieira de
Banca examinadora
Universidade de Fortaleza. Mestrado Profissional em Administração
Dissertação (mestrado)