O direito real de aquisição em face das súmulas 84, 239 e 308 do Superior Tribunal de Justiça [Digital]
Fortaleza, 2016.
Amparada pela justiça, segurança jurídica e boa-fé nos contratos, a jurisprudência vem se consolidando em três súmulas do STJ, relativas a negócios imobiliários, para proteger os adquirentes de bens imóveis, ainda que estes não tenham seguido preceitos expressos em Lei. O propósito da presente...
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Amparada pela justiça, segurança jurídica e boa-fé nos contratos, a jurisprudência vem se consolidando em três súmulas do STJ, relativas a negócios imobiliários, para proteger os adquirentes de bens imóveis, ainda que estes não tenham seguido preceitos expressos em Lei. O propósito da presente pesquisa é delinear os fundamentos, inclusive constitucionais, que respaldem as decisões, mesmo quando estas são contrárias a claras disposições normativas. Paralelo à construção jurisprudencial, há no ordenamento pátrio um arcabouço doutrinário inovando em perspectivas de superação ao formalismo vazio e prejudicial, já influenciado pela constitucionalização do direto civil, cujos horizontes fizeram expandir as possibilidades de novas soluções para antigas demandas, e que serão sempre atuais, para suprir uma necessidade material inerente ao homem, em suas relações patrimoniais. O desenvolvimento do trabalho encontra-se dividido em capítulos, com um roteiro evolutivo anterior à Constituição de 1988, e às novas expectativas por esta geradas, com a marca da atuação jurisdicional sensibilizada com os anseios sociais direcionados às conquistas que pudessem ser criadas a partir da incidência dos direitos fundamentais nas relações privadas.
Palavras-chave: Boa-fé. Promessa de compra e venda. Direitos reais. Ver menos
Palavras-chave: Boa-fé. Promessa de compra e venda. Direitos reais. Ver menos
Supported by justice, legal certainty and good faith in the contracts, the case law has been consolidated in three precedents of the Superior Court of Justice relating to real estate, to protect real estate buyers, even if they have not followed the precepts expressed in Law . the purpose... Ver mais ABSTRACT
Supported by justice, legal certainty and good faith in the contracts, the case law has been consolidated in three precedents of the Superior Court of Justice relating to real estate, to protect real estate buyers, even if they have not followed the precepts expressed in Law . the purpose of this study is to outline the fundamentals, including constitutional, that support decisions, even when they are contrary to clear legal provisions. Parallel to the jurisprudential construction, there is the parental planning a doctrinal framework innovating prospects for overcoming the void and damaging formalism, already influenced by the constitutionalization of civil right, that horizons did expand the possibilities for new solutions to old demands, and that will always be present, to supplement a material need inherent in man, in their property relations. The development of this disertation is divided into chapters, with a previous evolutionary guide to the Constitution of 1988 and the new expectations for it generated, with the mark of the jurisdictional action touched by social expectations directed to the achievements that could be created from the incidence of fundamental rights in private relationships.
Keywords: Good faith. Purchase Agreement. Property Law Ver menos
Supported by justice, legal certainty and good faith in the contracts, the case law has been consolidated in three precedents of the Superior Court of Justice relating to real estate, to protect real estate buyers, even if they have not followed the precepts expressed in Law . the purpose... Ver mais ABSTRACT
Supported by justice, legal certainty and good faith in the contracts, the case law has been consolidated in three precedents of the Superior Court of Justice relating to real estate, to protect real estate buyers, even if they have not followed the precepts expressed in Law . the purpose of this study is to outline the fundamentals, including constitutional, that support decisions, even when they are contrary to clear legal provisions. Parallel to the jurisprudential construction, there is the parental planning a doctrinal framework innovating prospects for overcoming the void and damaging formalism, already influenced by the constitutionalization of civil right, that horizons did expand the possibilities for new solutions to old demands, and that will always be present, to supplement a material need inherent in man, in their property relations. The development of this disertation is divided into chapters, with a previous evolutionary guide to the Constitution of 1988 and the new expectations for it generated, with the mark of the jurisdictional action touched by social expectations directed to the achievements that could be created from the incidence of fundamental rights in private relationships.
Keywords: Good faith. Purchase Agreement. Property Law Ver menos
Disponibilidade forma física: Existe obra impressa de código : 99851
Rodrigues, Francisco Luciano Lima
Rodrigues, Francisco Luciano Lima
Banca examinadora
Pereira Júnior, Antonio Jorge
Banca examinadora
Rocha, Maria Vital da
Banca examinadora
Universidade de Fortaleza. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito Constitucional
Dissertação (mestrado)