Práticas de governança, fatores institucionais e empresariais e o desempenho na prestação de serviços públicos no setor de saneamento básico [Digital]
Fortaleza, 2016.
A teoria da agência é base para compreensão dos conflitos entre principal e agente em quaisquer tipos de organizações, inclusive as que integram o complexo ambiente da Administração pública. Práticas de governança têm sido adotadas para, dentre outras finalidades, contribuir para diminuir as chances...
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A teoria da agência é base para compreensão dos conflitos entre principal e agente em quaisquer tipos de organizações, inclusive as que integram o complexo ambiente da Administração pública. Práticas de governança têm sido adotadas para, dentre outras finalidades, contribuir para diminuir as chances de os problemas de agência se intensificarem, a bem do interesse do principal. No âmbito da gestão pública, governantes, gestores e servidores burocráticos, atuando como principal ou como agente, estão envolvidos na definição e implementação de políticas públicas destinadas a propiciar melhoria do bem-estar do principal sociedade. As Companhias Estaduais de Saneamento Básico são empresas estatais que atuam nas atividades econômicas de fornecimento de serviços de água e esgotamento sanitário à sociedade, devendo também cumprir princípios de políticas públicas de saneamento básico, como o da universalização do acesso a esses serviços. Esta tese relaciona na questão-problema e estabelece nos objetivos e nas hipóteses constructos referentes a práticas de governança, dimensões de natureza institucional jurídico-legal, empresarial societária e patrimonial e institucional regulatória e os resultados das Companhias Estaduais de Saneamento Básico quanto ao cumprimento do princípio fundamental de universalização na prestação de serviços públicos de água e esgotamento sanitário, à luz da teoria da agência. O delineamento da pesquisa implicou na execução de procedimentos metodológicos que abrangeram abordagem quantitativa do problema, revisão bibliográfica, levantamento de dados em 21 das 24 unidades do objeto de estudo, aprofundamento dos exames em quatro dessas empresas, atividade exploratória e análise descritiva para alcance dos objetivos definidos. Restou evidenciado que, nessa ordem, práticas de governança alusivas a padrões de comportamento, processos e estruturas organizacionais, controle e relatórios externos, além de fatores referentes a investimentos, controle acionário estatal, agências reguladoras e tamanho do conselho de administração são importantes para o cumprimento do princípio de universalização na prestação dos serviços de água e esgotamento sanitário, na percepção das quatro companhias que alcançaram os maiores e menores níveis de cumprimento dessa política pública de saneamento básico. Palavras-chave: Teoria da agência. Governança na gestão pública. Políticas públicas de saneamento básico. Companhias estaduais de saneamento básico. Princípio da universalização.
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Agency theory is the basis for understanding the conflict between principal and agent in all types of organizations, including those that are part of the complex environment of public administration. Governance practices have been adopted for, among other purposes,
contribute to reduce chances of... Ver mais Agency theory is the basis for understanding the conflict between principal and agent in all types of organizations, including those that are part of the complex environment of public administration. Governance practices have been adopted for, among other purposes,
contribute to reduce chances of agency problems intensify, the good of the principal interest. Within the public administration, governors, managers and bureaucratic servants, acting as principal or as agent, are involved in the definition and implementation of public policies to facilitate welfare improvement of the principal society. State Basic Sanitation Companies are state-owned companies operating in the economic activities of providing water and sanitation services to society, and must also comply with the principles of public policy of basic sanitation, such as universal access to these services. This thesis relates to the question-problem and establishes objectives, and hypotheses, constructs relating to governance practices, juridical and legal institutional, corporate and property business and regulatory institutional dimensions and results of State Basic Sanitation Companies regarding
compliance with the fundamental principle of universal provision of public water and sewage, in the light of agency theory. The study design involved the implementation of
methodological procedures covering quantitative approach to the problem, literature review, data collection in 21 of the 24 units of the object of study, deepening the exams in four of these companies, exploratory activity and descriptive analysis to reach the set goals. Remained evident that, in that order, alluding governance practices to standards behavior, processes and organizational structures, control and external reporting, and related investment factors, state ownership control, regulatory agencies and size of the board are important to the fulfillment of the universal principle in the provision of water and sanitation services in the perception of the four companies that have achieved the highest and lowest levels of compliance with this public basic sanitation policy.
Keywords: Agency theory. Governance in public management. Sanitation public policy.
State Basic Sanitation Companies. Principle of universal. Ver menos
contribute to reduce chances of... Ver mais Agency theory is the basis for understanding the conflict between principal and agent in all types of organizations, including those that are part of the complex environment of public administration. Governance practices have been adopted for, among other purposes,
contribute to reduce chances of agency problems intensify, the good of the principal interest. Within the public administration, governors, managers and bureaucratic servants, acting as principal or as agent, are involved in the definition and implementation of public policies to facilitate welfare improvement of the principal society. State Basic Sanitation Companies are state-owned companies operating in the economic activities of providing water and sanitation services to society, and must also comply with the principles of public policy of basic sanitation, such as universal access to these services. This thesis relates to the question-problem and establishes objectives, and hypotheses, constructs relating to governance practices, juridical and legal institutional, corporate and property business and regulatory institutional dimensions and results of State Basic Sanitation Companies regarding
compliance with the fundamental principle of universal provision of public water and sewage, in the light of agency theory. The study design involved the implementation of
methodological procedures covering quantitative approach to the problem, literature review, data collection in 21 of the 24 units of the object of study, deepening the exams in four of these companies, exploratory activity and descriptive analysis to reach the set goals. Remained evident that, in that order, alluding governance practices to standards behavior, processes and organizational structures, control and external reporting, and related investment factors, state ownership control, regulatory agencies and size of the board are important to the fulfillment of the universal principle in the provision of water and sanitation services in the perception of the four companies that have achieved the highest and lowest levels of compliance with this public basic sanitation policy.
Keywords: Agency theory. Governance in public management. Sanitation public policy.
State Basic Sanitation Companies. Principle of universal. Ver menos
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