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PENSION FUNDS MAGAZINE - JULY 2024 [Eletrônico] : [PDF no final da página]

PENSION FUNDS MAGAZINE - JULY 2024 [Eletrônico] : [PDF no final da página]

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351.84 A143pfmj

04 Regulator approves automatic enrollment
For now, the norm only applies to sponsored plans. Next step is extending the mechanism to instituted schemes.

10 Asset allocation undergoes important changes in 2024
Investment policies go through occasional adjustments and strategies become more... Ver mais
Considered a regulatory hallmark for the Brazilian pension fund industry, Resolution n. 60/2024 of the National Complementary Pension Board (Conselho Nacional de Previdência Complementar - CNPC) is the result of a decade-long debate led by ABRAPP. According to the rule, sponsoring companies that... Ver mais

PENSION FUNDS MAGAZINE - JULY 2024 [Eletrônico] : [PDF no final da página]


PENSION FUNDS MAGAZINE - JULY 2024 [Eletrônico] : [PDF no final da página]


    v. 09, n. 01 (Julho 2024), p. Integra