PENSION FUNDS MAGAZINE - DECEMBER 2022 [Eletrônico] : [PDF no final da página]
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04 Corporate plans in new, versatile guise
Freshly regulated, “Instituted Corporate Plans” may be provided by business conglomerates and partner enterprises with flexible contribution schedules.
08 Great prospects for ESG growth
New fund categorization is expected to foster sustainable... Ver mais
Freshly regulated, “Instituted Corporate Plans” may be provided by business conglomerates and partner enterprises with flexible contribution schedules.
08 Great prospects for ESG growth
New fund categorization is expected to foster sustainable... Ver mais
04 Corporate plans in new, versatile guise
Freshly regulated, “Instituted Corporate Plans” may be provided by business conglomerates and partner enterprises with flexible contribution schedules.
08 Great prospects for ESG growth
New fund categorization is expected to foster sustainable investments.
11 Focus on the decumulation phase
Topped by Iceland, Mercer/CFA Global Pension Index 2022 indicates Brazil is still a long way from a sustainable system.
15 FIPs: long-term programs gain visibility
Following high transaction volumes by a large pension fund, Private Equity Funds see growing secondary market.
19 Addressing lingering effects of COVID-19
As the pandemic comes to an end, the biggest concern for organizations is adequately handling mental health issues.
23 Brazil’s new remote working legislation
Rule changes the very concept of remote work, bringing forth the understanding that the hybrid regime must be covered by regular labour provisions.
26 Pension funds gain an extra year to handle deficits
Much debated Resolution postpones introduction of recovery plans until December 2023, but norm only applies to government bond portfolios.
29 A much needed rise of a sales culture
To reach full potential, family plans must invest in marketing strategies to boost retirement savings among younger generations.
33 Statistical Data Ver menos
Freshly regulated, “Instituted Corporate Plans” may be provided by business conglomerates and partner enterprises with flexible contribution schedules.
08 Great prospects for ESG growth
New fund categorization is expected to foster sustainable investments.
11 Focus on the decumulation phase
Topped by Iceland, Mercer/CFA Global Pension Index 2022 indicates Brazil is still a long way from a sustainable system.
15 FIPs: long-term programs gain visibility
Following high transaction volumes by a large pension fund, Private Equity Funds see growing secondary market.
19 Addressing lingering effects of COVID-19
As the pandemic comes to an end, the biggest concern for organizations is adequately handling mental health issues.
23 Brazil’s new remote working legislation
Rule changes the very concept of remote work, bringing forth the understanding that the hybrid regime must be covered by regular labour provisions.
26 Pension funds gain an extra year to handle deficits
Much debated Resolution postpones introduction of recovery plans until December 2023, but norm only applies to government bond portfolios.
29 A much needed rise of a sales culture
To reach full potential, family plans must invest in marketing strategies to boost retirement savings among younger generations.
33 Statistical Data Ver menos
2022 has been a hectic year in Brazil and abroad. Domestically, presidential elections preceded by a hard-fisted, divisive campaign, have taken a heavy toll on markets and the economy as a whole. Internationally, the Russian- Ukrainian conflict has affected commodity prices, bringing along increased...
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2022 has been a hectic year in Brazil and abroad. Domestically, presidential elections preceded by a hard-fisted, divisive campaign, have taken a heavy toll on markets and the economy as a whole. Internationally, the Russian- Ukrainian conflict has affected commodity prices, bringing along increased inflation and interest rate levels, as well as negative impacts on the supply chain in various degrees.
By the time this edition reaches the reader, Brazil will be about to start a new - and hopefully more peaceful and prosperous - cycle following the inauguration of center-left President elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.
Whilst financial hardship certainly affects most people’s willingness and/or capacity to save for retirement, ABRAPP has done whatever lies within its powers to increase the coverage of private pension plans. Initiatives include changes in the Association’s By-laws so, as a legal entity, it can make it easier for more organizations to offer retirement schemes to their employees, affiliates and collaborators.
In addition to Family Plans, available to the relatives of those who have already joined a benefit scheme, the most recent design developed to expand the reach of capitalized savings vehicles managed by not-forprofit organizations is the so-called “Instituted Corporate Plan”, a Defined Contribution scheme that allows more flexible contribution schedules (if any) on the employer side and member contributions as low as USD 10, approximately. This is the subject of our cover story.
Investment-wise, we highlight two pieces. The first deals with Private Equity funds, that after a few unsuccessful experiences of the past have been slowly making a comeback, now with better governance practices in place and increased knowledge on the part of institutional investors. The reader will also learn more about the new ESG labels launched by the Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets Association (ANBIMA), which are expected to help promote sustainability issues despite the short-termism and the rather outdated mindset that still prevails in the country’s investment environment.
New remote work legislation, Covid-related sanitary and mental health measures implemented by pension funds and Brazil’s position on the latest Mercer/CFA Institute Global Pension Index are also some of issues that fill the next pages of this edition.
Our team wishes everyone a wonderful holiday season and a joyful new year!
Flavia Silva
Editor-in-Chief Ver menos
By the time this edition reaches the reader, Brazil will be about to start a new - and hopefully more peaceful and prosperous - cycle following the inauguration of center-left President elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.
Whilst financial hardship certainly affects most people’s willingness and/or capacity to save for retirement, ABRAPP has done whatever lies within its powers to increase the coverage of private pension plans. Initiatives include changes in the Association’s By-laws so, as a legal entity, it can make it easier for more organizations to offer retirement schemes to their employees, affiliates and collaborators.
In addition to Family Plans, available to the relatives of those who have already joined a benefit scheme, the most recent design developed to expand the reach of capitalized savings vehicles managed by not-forprofit organizations is the so-called “Instituted Corporate Plan”, a Defined Contribution scheme that allows more flexible contribution schedules (if any) on the employer side and member contributions as low as USD 10, approximately. This is the subject of our cover story.
Investment-wise, we highlight two pieces. The first deals with Private Equity funds, that after a few unsuccessful experiences of the past have been slowly making a comeback, now with better governance practices in place and increased knowledge on the part of institutional investors. The reader will also learn more about the new ESG labels launched by the Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets Association (ANBIMA), which are expected to help promote sustainability issues despite the short-termism and the rather outdated mindset that still prevails in the country’s investment environment.
New remote work legislation, Covid-related sanitary and mental health measures implemented by pension funds and Brazil’s position on the latest Mercer/CFA Institute Global Pension Index are also some of issues that fill the next pages of this edition.
Our team wishes everyone a wonderful holiday season and a joyful new year!
Flavia Silva
Editor-in-Chief Ver menos
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